[p2p-research] [open] Open Source and Co-ops events

Alex Rollin alex.rollin at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 14:52:10 CET 2010

Glad you wrote back with more!  I was just

I was just looking at links from your previous post last night!


On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 2:16 AM, Nicholas Roberts <niccolo.roberts at gmail.com>wrote:

> hi all
> *will write-up a structure blog post about this, but for now, email
> rush...
> *
> am really interested in this development..
> we have been researching a *Permaculture Cooperative*, which would start
> with an open source, tech and content publishing worker cooperative..
> http://gaiapermaculture.com/projects/permaculturecooperative/blog/2009/11/17/live-together-or-die-alone-on-copyright-cooperation/
> http://gaiapermaculture.com/projects/permaculturecooperative/blog/2009/11/07/permaculturecoop-notes-on-mondragon-permaculture/
> myself, Kirstie Stramler and Evan Schoepke (
> http://punkrockpermaculture.com/ ) have been doing research and working on
> various threads of this.. in Australia, Spain, Basque, France, UK, Denmark,
> USA...
> example: *video of our research at Mondragon on a Permaculture*Cooperative.. official history
> http://permaculture.tv/mondragon-official-oral-history-cooperative-arrasate/
> While researching a *Permaculture Cooperative* [blog<http://gaiapermaculture.com/projects/permaculturecooperative/blog/>]
> [video <http://permaculture.tv/tag/mondragon/>] in the summer of 2009 we
> visited*Mondragon Cooperative* [video<http://permaculture.tv/tag/mondragon/>]
> [photos <http://picasaweb.google.com/permaculturecoop>] [blog<http://gaiapermaculture.com/projects/permaculturecooperative/blog/category/mondragon/>]
> and enjoyed a day-tour of the cooperative, which included a factory tour and
> a lunch, history and business workshop. This video presentation includes an
> oral history from the days of the founder Don José María Arizmendiarrieta as
> the oldest farmers son and revolutionary journalist to the modern
> cooperative. Photos of the cooperative headquarters, the historical museum
> and the town of Arrasate.
> or *Making a Mondragon Permaculture Complex*
> http://gaiapermaculture.com/projects/permaculturecooperative/blog/2009/07/17/mondragon-permaculture-cooperative/
> *
> meetings*
> Last year, in Leeds, had a kitchen meeting with Andy Goldring of
> Permaculture Association of Britain regarding Permaculture Cooperative,
> using the domain Permaculture.coop (which I registered under trust with Bill
> Mollison's Tagari) , PermacultureCooperative.org , Permaculture.TV and
> MondragonPermaculture.com.. Goals such as developing a permaculture worker
> cooperative body of knowledge expressed online, in publications, in training
> and also in cooperative projects. As you know many food justice projects and
> transition type operations are or are becoming cooperatives. Am especially
> interested in worker cooperatives as core of multi-stakeholder cooperatives.
> In the USA, say in Detroit, the succesful grassroots urban food movement is
> in danger of being privatised and incorporated .. see
> http://punkrockpermaculture.com/2010/01/11/can-permaculture-save-detroit/
> Also, a couple of short informal meetings in Totnes, Bristol and Copenhagen
> plus online instant message fragments with Ben Brangwyn (co-founder) and Ed
> Mitchell (web-manager) of Transition Movement about the Permaculture
> Cooperatives... am told via Facebook today that the TTT folks are heading to
> Mondragon in June... I registered the domains SustainabilityCooperative.org,
> TransitionCooperative.org and WorkerCooperatives.com and am looking at the
> Transition Movement framework as for these projects.. especially engaging
> and transitioning existing cooperatives and businesses
> http://gaiapermaculture.com/projects/permaculturecooperative/blog/2009/08/26/permaculture-worker-cooperative-britain-ideas/
> Also had an interesting time with the Radical Routes crew.. I think there
> IS a place, in some communities and some contexts for contention-based
> politics - which is not part of the Transition or Permaculture Way... am
> looking at perhaps developing RadicalPermaculture.org for that, indeed Tony
> Andersen of the Klimaforum, gave a presentation on From Activists to
> Grassroots... http://permaculture.tv/activist-to-grassroots/, one
> personficiation of this transition was a Hungarian FOE activist who was also
> getting involved in the Hungarian Permaculture Renaissance
> http://permaculture.tv/hungary-permaculture-report-klimaforum09/
> our core focus is the economic justice and we are trying to learn about the
> really vibrant social economies of the ALBA countries and work-out how we
> might develop the Permaculture Cooperative project so it might inspire and
> take root in places like Africa or out-back Australia, the inner city
> neighborhoods of Detroit or wherever.. being stateside we are looking at the
> US Social Forum in Detroit as major milestone event..
> having said all that, there is so much happening this year, all over, that
> I do not know, where and what we will be doing..
> *
> Gaia Permaculture*
> As Transition Initiatives scale-up, and with the realities of Climate
> Change, have become more and more interested in global permaculture. A
> global permaforestry and global energy descent plan was presented by
> Klimaforum09 founder and permaculturalist Tony Andersen.. will post the
> video I have ASAP.. for me this is the only sensible global Transition to
> Climate Justice plan I have seen. It integrates all the threads of the
> social and environmental movements, Climate justice, Transition,
> Permaculture, the needs of the global south etc
> Kirstie and myself are also working on a knowledge-set called Gaia
> Permaculture. A synthesis of Gaia Theory and Permaculture. Top down and
> bottom up.
> http://permaculture.tv/save-the-planet-with-permaculture-tony-andersen-of-klimaforum09/
> http://permaculture.tv/permaculture-international-pioneers-klimaforum09/
> http://permaculture.tv/10-000-trees-strategy-documentation/
> http://permaculture.tv/10-000-trees-presentation/
> *
> Klimaforum Declaration and Mandate
> *Klimaforum09 developed an really useful and powerful document, compared
> to the complete BS to come from COP15. Klimaforum10 is in Mexico City in
> 2010.
> http://permaculture.tv/system-change-not-climate-change-klimaforum09-declaration/
> and the Bolivians have a climate social movements forum in Bolivia on
> Mother Earth Day. The Via Campesina / FOE alliance is a very powerful one,
> and many of the talks and presentations on sustainable agriculture, food
> sovereignty etc in Europe AND the global South where about how Via Campesina
> was working with small, peasant ecological agriculture.. very much in
> Permaculture Cooperative mode (or should I say visa versa)*
> *
> http://gaiapermaculture.com/projects/permaculturecooperative/blog/2009/11/20/klimaforum09-mandate-spectrum-of-coverage/
> *
> **on technology
> *
> currently am operating very basically with Wordpress, YouTube and a
> software called OpenCore.
> am looking at a major tech-transition to Drupal, especially OpenAtrium,
> ManagingNews, MapBox, Aegir...
> when I attended Drupalcon in Hungary and the European Social Forum in Malmo
> in 2008 all of these Drupal appliications where in pre-release... now they
> are public betas and I am game.. indeed they look amazing good, as does
> Drupal 6 (and Drupal 7, I notice they are working on moving bottlenecks into
> Java at Pressflow)
> *
> on structure*
> will write-up something more structured and concrete ASAP.. still working
> on back-log of Klimaforum video and have a queue of video interviews
> lined-up for Jan for Permaculture TV
> cheers
> --
> Nicholas Roberts
> skype permaculturecoop
> plans http://gaiapermaculture.com
> video http://Permaculture.TV
> On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 8:46 AM, Josef Davies-Coates <
> josef at uniteddiversity.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm thinking of co-ordinating the production of 3 events during
>> Cooperative Fortnight June 19th - July 3rd 2010 about the potential of
>> uniting the Open Source and Co-op movements.
>> The rough idea for the 3 events is:
>> 1) presenting the amazing achievements of open source software/
>> hardware to people in the co-op movement
>> 2) presenting the amazing achievemenets of the co-op movement to
>> people in the open source world
>> 3) a big open space event that bring everyone together to try and
>> answer a question like "how can the open source and co-operative
>> movements help each other to thrive (in the face of climate, energy
>> and economic uncertainty)?"
>> The events would (most likely) take place in Manchester and London.
>> Who would like to get involved/ present/ fund/ help make it happen?
>> A bit of background...
>> Ed Mayo, who headed up the new economics foundation (nef) when I
>> worked there for a while has recently taken on a job heading up
>> Co-opsUK.
>> In his first speech
>> http://www.cooperatives-uk.coop/live/images/cme_resources/Public/speeches/a_dog_helps_dog_world.pdf
>> he state that one of the central economic challenges is to:
>> "6. to take advantage of the digital economy, we can embrace the
>> creative commons of co-operation online, from open source to platforms
>> for user generated content, rather than try to shore up traditional
>> private business. If there can be increasing as well as diminishing
>> returns to investment in a knowledge economy, then economic policy
>> should economic sharing and limit private monopolies, rather than
>> increasing the protectionism of intelletual property as the UK and EU
>> has done."
>> I met with Ed shortly after he started his new job and we discussed
>> some of the amazing potential for Co-operative and Open Source
>> movements to well, cooperate.
>> For example, imagine what could happen if the Mondragon Assembly
>> factory factory (i.e. they make things that makes things)
>> http://www.mondragon-assembly.com/ (itself part of a much larger co-op
>> group) co-operated with people on the Open Manufacturing list
>> http://openmanufacturing.org/ and amazing projects like Open Source
>> Ecology http://openfarmtech.org !
>> Please let me know ASAP if you can help make this happen.
>> Thanks!
>> Josef.
>> --
>> Josef Davies-Coates
>> 07974 88 88 95
>> http://uniteddiversity.com
>> Together We Have Everything
>> To unsubscribe to this list visit:
>> http://lists.riseup.net/www/signoff/open
>> For more info about The Open Co-op visit:
>> http://open.coop

I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.- Socrates
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