[p2p-research] Mondragon Permaculture and Mondragon Official Oral History - cooperative and town

Nicholas Roberts nicholas at themediasociety.org
Wed Jan 13 00:30:55 CET 2010

hi p2p crew

While researching a *Permaculture Cooperative*
[video <http://permaculture.tv/tag/mondragon/>] in the summer of 2009 we
visited* Mondragon Cooperative* [video<http://permaculture.tv/tag/mondragon/>]
[photos <http://picasaweb.google.com/permaculturecoop>]
and enjoyed a day-tour of the cooperative, which included a factory tour and
a lunch, history and business workshop. This video presentation includes an
oral history from the days of the founder Don José María Arizmendiarrieta as
the oldest farmers son and revolutionary journalist to the modern
cooperative. Photos of the cooperative headquarters, the historical museum
and the town of Arrasate.


Nicholas Roberts & Kirstie Stramler

Permaculture Cooperative
skype permaculturecoop
email permaculturecoop at gmail.com
plans http://gaiapermaculture.com
video http://Permaculture.TV
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