[p2p-research] 2010 will be a hot year in the US

Kevin Carson free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 00:24:25 CET 2010

On 1/12/10, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
> http://kunstler.com/blog/2009/12/forecast-2010.html#more
> A LOT more interesting stuff in that article,

What Kunstler says is true, but it's only one side of it.  He strikes
me as a stereotypical liberal who pines for the days of the post-WWII
middle class consensus where every aspect of life was regulated by
"the proper authorities."  He has no appreciation at all for the
network culture, its resilience, or the network generation's potential
for routing around many of the obstacles created by Peak Oil and
finding cheaper relocalized alternatives without some sort of big
government liberal Manhattan Project to supervise the process.

Kevin Carson
Center for a Stateless Society http://c4ss.org
Mutualist Blog:  Free Market Anti-Capitalism
Studies in Mutualist Political Economy
Organization Theory:  A Libertarian Perspective

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