[p2p-research] When Online and Offline collide (or collude) - at ScienceOnline2010 [A Blog ...

Ryan rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 16:58:44 CET 2010

  Sent to you by Ryan via Google Reader: When Online and Offline collide
(or collude) - at ScienceOnline2010 [A Blog Around The Clock] via
ScienceBlogs : Combined Feed by Coturnix none at example.com on 1/10/10

A number of sessions at the Conference are looking at sociological
aspects of the Web and science. I have already pointed, in quite a lot
of detail, to the session on civility and politeness, as well as
several other sessions that touch on the topics of language and trust.
Let's look at several others that approach the social aspects of
science online (and offline) from different angles:

Casting a wider net: Promoting gender and ethnic diversity in STEM -
D.N.Lee and Anne Jefferson

Description: We will introduce programs that attract wider audiences to
science, math, and engineering at various institutions/education
levels, programs that mentor students (high school, undergrad & grad
students) in research and education excellence. How Social Media tools
can be used to raise the profile of and build support networks for
under-represented scientists and engineers. Discuss here

The Importance of Meatspace: Science Motels, science freelancing and
science coworking - Brian Russell and Paweł Szczęsny

Description: Science careers and science workplaces are undergoing
dramatic change, driven by internal shifts in the practice of science
and external shifts in labor markets and workplace design and
management. This session will be split into two sections. The first
half will explore the shift from freelance scientists to virtual
contract research organization, and explore alternative models for
R&D;. The second half will explore possible models for science motels
and science coworking, building on the "research cloud" scenario
presented in the Institute for the Future's "Future Knowledge
Ecosystems" report, released in 2009 as part of the Research Triangle
Park's 50th anniversary. We will use a group brainstorming process to
develop a map of ideas about how freelancer scientists, virtual CROs
and flexible lab/workspaces may co-evolve in over the coming decade.
Discuss here

Privacy, ethics, and disasters: how being online as a doctor changes
everything - Pal MD and Val Jones.

Description: We all know that there are potential pitfalls to having a
prominent online presence, but for physicians, the implications affect
more than just themselves. How should doctors and similar professionals
manage their online life? What are the ethical and legal implications?
Discuss here.

Legal Aspects of publishing, sharing and blogging science - Victoria

Description: Not giving legal advice, but discussion of CC-licences,
copyright, Fair Use, libel laws, etc. Discuss here.

Citizen Science - Darlene Cavalier, Scott Baker and Ben MacNeill

Description: Not so long ago, "citizen scientist" would have seemed to
be a contradiction in terms. Science is traditionally something done by
people in lab coats who hold PhDs. As with classical music or acting,
amateurs might be able to appreciate science, but they could not
contribute to it. Today, however, enabled by technology and empowered
by social change, science-interested laypeople are transforming the way
science gets done. Through a myriad of different projects, citizen
scientists are collaborating with professionals, conducting field
studies, and adding valuable local detail to research. Discuss here.

An Open History of Science - John McKay and Eric Michael Johnson

Description: We will be talking about how the history of science and
the history of the open-access movement have intersected. Steven
Johnson touches on this theme in his latest book, The Invention of Air,
in that 18th century British polymath Joseph Priestley was a strong
advocate of publishing scientific data widely in order to create a
greater dialogue between scientists. While Johnson only mentions this
briefly in the case of Priestley, this theme runs strongly through the
history of science and is what makes the debate over the patenting of
genes or the availability of open-access journals such important topics
today. Discuss here.

Web Science: An examination of the World Wide Web and how it is
transforming our society - Arikia Millikan and Nate Silver

Description: Web Science is an emerging field that attempts to study
how people use the Web and communicate with each other through what is
considered the "largest human information construct in history". In
this session we will discuss what exactly the Web is, how it is
evolving based on user behavior, and how things like search engines,
blogs, and social networking tools are shaping the society in which we
live. We will also explore how to analyze the Web, and what we can do
to actively take part in its construction to ensure that it continues
to benefit society. Discuss here.

Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Session: Engaging underrepresented
groups in online science media - David Kroll and Damond Nollan

Description: The conference timing may keep some attendees away in
their hometowns participating in local MLK activities. Therefore, we
are introducing a session to promote the principles of Dr King in the
context of online science communication: promoting social justice and
eliminating racism in areas ranging from healthcare to scientific
career paths. We plan to take a different angle from the blogging about
gender/race session: how do we cultivate emerging science writers from
underrepresented groups to promote science, for example, in areas of
health disparities (i.e., diabetes, substance abuse, prostate cancer)
and in providing opportunities to increase the number of
underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics careers. Locally in Durham, North Carolina, efforts are
underway through the non-profit Kramden Institute to start by making
newly-refurbished computers available to honors students in underserved
school districts as a model for what can be done nationally. We'll also
be represented by local IT and social media folks who are setting up
the infrastructure to make internet access more affordable and
accessible. Any advice, comments or ideas are welcome from attendees,
especially if you engage with underrepresented groups in your
respective line of online or offline work. Discuss here.
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