[p2p-research] turbulence 5

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 11:42:23 CET 2010

remarkable issue, really full of interesting essays

From: rodrigo nunes <rgnunes at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Networked Politics] Out Now: Turbulence 5,    'And now for
    something completely different?'
To: network at lists.euromovements.info
Message-ID: <197222.70198.qm at web52805.mail.re2.yahoo.com>
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apologies for cross-posting -- please forward widely

Until recently, anyone who
suggested nationalising the banks would have been derided as a ?quack? and a
?crank?, as lacking the most basic understanding of the functioning of a
?complex, globalised world?. The grip of ?orthodoxy? disqualified the idea,
many more, without the need even to offer a counter-argument.
And yet, in this time of
intersecting crises, when it seems like everything could, and should, have
changed, it paradoxically feels as though very little has. Individuals and
companies have hunkered down to try and ride out the crisis.
and government spending have been used to prevent change, not initiate it.
Anger and protest have erupted around different aspects of the crises, but
common or consistent reaction has seemed able to cohere. We appear unable to
move on.
For many years, social
movements could meet and recognise one another on the *common ground* of
rejecting neoliberalism, society?s old *middle
ground* --those discourses and practices that defined the
centre of the political field. The crisis of the middle has meant a
of the common.
And what now? Will
neoliberalism continue to stumble on without direction, zombie-like? Or, is
time for something completely different?
Turbulence, ?Life in limbo??
Gifford Hartman, ?California in Crisis: Everything touched
by capital turns toxic?
Bini Adamczak and Anna Dost, ?What would it mean to lose? On
the history of actually-existing failure?
Frieder Otto Wolf and Tadzio Mueller, ?Green New Deal: Dead
end or pathway beyond capitalism??
p.m., ?It?s all about potatoes and computers: Recipes for
the cook-shops of the future?
Colectivo Situaciones, ?Disquiet in the impasse?
George Caffentzis, ??Everything must change so that
everything can stay the same?: Notes on Obama?s Energy Plan?
Walter Mignolo, ?The communal and the decolonial?
Massimo De Angelis, ?The tragedy of the capitalist commons?
Rebecca Solnit, ?Falling Together?
Rodrigo Nunes, ?What were you wrong about ten years ago??
?a collection of texts, ten years after the protests against
the World Trade Organisation in Seattle, asking people from across the
movement, ?What were you wrong about ten years ago??, at t-10.
Contributors to the feature are: David
Solnit, Gustavo Esteva, Emir Sader, Phil McLeish, Rubia Salgado, Jo?o
PedroSt?dile, A CrimethInc ex-Worker,
Precarias a la Deriva, Trevor Ngwane, Marcela and Oscar Olivera, Heloisa
Primavera, Chris Carlsson, The Free Association, David Bleakney, Olivier de
Marcellus, Go Hirasawa and Sabu Kohso, John Clarke, Guy Taylor, Thomas
Dr Simon Lewis, Amador Fern?ndez-Savater.
The Issue is illustrated by the
photo series ?Flat Horizon? by Marcos Vilas Boas.
Turbulence: Ideas for Movement are:
David Harvie, Keir Milburn, Tadzio Mueller, Rodrigo Nunes, Michal Osterweil,
Kay Summer, Ben Trott.
Copies can be ordered from editors at turbulence.org.uk
Turbulence is free, but we ask that you make a donation
towards postage: http://turbulence.org.uk/donate/ (any additional donations
greatly appreciated!)
All texts are also freely available via our website as of
A collection of resources to help publicise the issue
(posters, flyers, web-banners, etc?) can be found here:
Get in touch if you can help out translating any of the
articles in this issue. editors at turbulence.org.uk
Order a bundle of the magazine to distribute in your part of
the world.
www.turbulence.org.uk // www.myspace.com/turbulence_ideas4movement //
www.twitter.com/turbulence_mag // editors at turbulence.org.uk
Turbulence?s Facebook Page:
To stay informed about future ?Turbulence? publications and projects,
subscribe to our (very!) low-traffic e-newsletter here:

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