[p2p-research] russia discovers carson

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 15:11:33 CET 2010

see http://ailev.livejournal.com/783228.html

google translate:

Libertarian theory of the firm. What is libertarianism theory of the firm?
Suddenly someone interesting: book Kevin A. Carson "Organizational Theory:
libertarian perspective" (2008) -

Funny reckoning by the author himself simultaneously to the
libertarian-for-free-market, libertarian-socialists ( "as an individualist
in the tradition of Tucker and the rest of the Boston anarchists, I embrace
both the free market libertarian and libertarian socialist camps. ... I
belong to the general current of the Left so beautifully described by the
editors of Radical Technology ( "the 'recessive Left' of anarchists,
utopians and visionaries, which tends only to manifest itself when dominant
genes like Lenin or Harold Wilson are off doing something else "). As such,
I tend to agree with the Greens and other left-wing decentralists on the
evils to which they object in current society and on their general view of a
good society, while I agree with free market libertarians on their analysis of
the cause of such evils and how to get from here to there. In short: green
ends with libertarian means ").

The text - from kouzianstva to avstrizma, not embarrassed.

Blog author (mutualist blog: free market anti-capitalism):
http://mutualist.blogspot.com/, and they forward the links to the type of
pearls http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/mises-and-the-neo-
( "For the same reason that the Austrian fixation on the quantity of capital
investment as a source of productivity is obsolete, Marxist theories of the"
Social Structure of Accumulation, "with long -wave investment in some new
capital-intensive infrastructure as an engine of growth, are likewise
obsolete ").

In English libertarian alliance's slogan "For life, liberty and property!" (

All this is a good illustration of the species diversity of the libertarian
branch of the evolutionary tree of the theory of political economy, which is
like telling [info] kuznetsov (http://gl-memorial.ice.ru/322007) and [info]
v_novikov. It is unacceptable to reduce everything libertarianism in one
(and thus inevitably smelly) lot.

And then I was accused that I did not get along with all the libertarian ...

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Think thank:

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