[p2p-research] P2P Business Audit

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 14:08:48 CET 2010

On 1/7/10, Alex Rollin <alex.rollin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All!
> Here's a wild one for you...
> What about Peer to Peer evaluation?  P2P Aid for developing and developed
> business, from the network, to the network.
> What sorts of things could be checked up on, within a business, that could
> then create webs of interdependence and opportunity within our community?

Seems a natural to me.  Peer auditing occurs in the civil society sector now
and with accreditation at universities.  It seems to me that accreditation
reviews...which are well documented, public and easily matched, would be the
right model.  You'd earn the xxx accredited P2P organization emblem.  It
should be combined with open systems accreditation, free software
accreditation, etc.  In essence, these are badges on your door showing a
commitment level as judged by peers...exactly how university accreditation
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