[p2p-research] Open Source and Co-ops events [TTLLP #1461]

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 17:04:47 CET 2010

Thanks for letting me know if you know of other free software coops which
should be on that list,

from http://p2pfoundation.net/Free_Software_Cooperatives#Examples



   1. Cooperativa de Trabajo Tecso Limitada <http://www.tecso.coop/es/>
   2. Gcoop <http://p2pfoundation.net/Gcoop> - Argentina; pablo at gcoop.com.ar

] Brazil

   1. Colivre <http://www.colivre.coop.br/Colivre> Cooperativa de
   Tecnologias Livres
   2. SOLIS <http://p2pfoundation.net/SOLIS> - Brazil, Júnior Mulinari <
   junior at solis.coop.br>


   - Joice Käfer <joice at brod.com.br>

] India

   1. OSSICS <http://p2pfoundation.net/OSSICS>, Kerala, India
   2. WikiOcean <http://www.wikiocean.net/>, Pune, India, uses
Weko/Reppo<http://www.wekosystem.org/>based governance system. Contact
for info:
   pungaliya.ag at gmail.com

] UK

   1. software.coop <http://www.software.coop/> is present in North West and
   London, but also in the South West England; contact via mjr at software.coop

see also:

   1. Turo Technology LLP <http://www.ttllp.co.uk/>, UK
   2. The Open Co-op <http://open.coop/>, UK

] Others

   1. Chicago Technology Cooperative <http://chicagotech.org/>
   2. Easter Eggs <http://p2pfoundation.net/Easter_Eggs>
[1]<http://www.easter-eggs.com/>- France
   3. Ikusnet <http://www.ikusnet.com/> - Spain
   4. Koumbit, http://koumbit.org/en - Canada
   5. OS Alliance <http://p2pfoundation.net/OS_Alliance>, Austria, "Georg
   Pleger" <gp at osalliance.com> ; Roland Alton-Scheidl <ras at osalliance.com>;
   Eric Poscher <ep at osalliance.com>
   6. Pong <http://pong.ch/> - Switzerland
   7. Gnusha <http://p2pfoundation.net/Gnusha> [2] <http://gnusha.org/>, USA
   (into open manufacturing, hacklab/fablab infrastructues, etc.)

Other contacts:

   1. Rama <rama at xicnet.com>


   1. KunLabori
   Sweden (no longer active, according to Josef Davies-Coates, May 2008)

See also:

   1. HostSharing
a german coop specialising on ISP Services

] More Information

   1. Spanish-language discussion list, maintained by Gcoop in
Argentina: Cooperativismo
   y el Software
   2. Cooperativas de Software Livre <cooperativas at listas.softwarelivre.org>

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 6:30 PM, MJ Ray <mjr at software.coop> wrote:

> Josef Davies-Coates wrote:
> > I'm thinking of co-ordinating the production of 3 events during
> > Cooperative Fortnight June 19th - July 3rd 2010 about the potential of
> > uniting the Open Source and Co-op movements.
> >
> > The rough idea for the 3 events is:
> >
> > 1) presenting the amazing achievements of open source software/
> > hardware to people in the co-op movement
> > 2) presenting the amazing achievemenets of the co-op movement to
> > people in the open source world
> > 3) a big open space event that bring everyone together to try and
> > answer a question like "how can the open source and co-operative
> > movements help each other to thrive (in the face of climate, energy
> > and economic uncertainty)?"
> >
> > The events would (most likely) take place in Manchester and London.
> >
> > Who would like to get involved/ present/ fund/ help make it happen?
> Sounds good to me and I think our co-op would like to be involved.
> software.coop is present in North West and London, but also in the
> South West England, where Cooperatives 2010 will be held in nearby Plymouth
> during Cooperative Fortnight.  I've already approached John Atherton
> (Worker Co-operative Development Officer, Co-operativesUK) about
> running a session along the lines of event 1 in Plymouth and I hope
> we'll hear back soon.
> I'm talking with others in the Bristol area about an open space event
> something like 2 and 3 before Cooperative Fortnight.
> Can we merge these events under one umbrella?
> Also, please can we present it as Free and Open Source Software, to
> include free software and the social aspects of it?  They are more
> easily linked to cooperative principles.
> > A bit of background...
> >
> > Ed Mayo, who headed up the new economics foundation (nef) when I
> > worked there for a while has recently taken on a job heading up
> > Co-opsUK.
> >
> > In his first speech
> >
> http://www.cooperatives-uk.coop/live/images/cme_resources/Public/speeches/a_dog_helps_dog_world.pdf
> > he state that one of the central economic challenges is to:
> >
> > "6. to take advantage of the digital economy, we can embrace the
> > creative commons of co-operation online, from open source to platforms
> > for user generated content, rather than try to shore up traditional
> > private business. If there can be increasing as well as diminishing
> > returns to investment in a knowledge economy, then economic policy
> > should economic sharing and limit private monopolies, rather than
> > increasing the protectionism of intelletual property as the UK and EU
> > has done."
> I'll take your word for it.  Ghostscript still can't open that PDF
> because of the copy-control, which is ironic and frustrating.
> Let me know if we can combine efforts on the events.
> Thanks,
> --
> MJ Ray, member of www.software.coop Experts in web and GNU/Linux
> (TTLLP # in subject emails = copy to all workers unless asked.)
> Turo Technology LLP, reg'd in England+Wales, number OC303457
> Reg. Office: 36 Orchard Cl., Kewstoke, Somerset, GB-BS22 9XY

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Think thank:

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