[p2p-research] combining open source and coops in the uk

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 06:20:57 CET 2010

Awesome stuff, Josef.

We are looking at Cooperatives here as a model for building funds
around. Coops are subject to laws of countries, etc, but there are
usually favorable laws here in the US

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Josef,
> thanks for keeping me in the loop with this, this is something the p2p-f
> wants to support and make known outside the UK,
> are you familiar with Bastien's appeal to the coop/social economy world?
> Michel
> via Josef Davies-Coates <josef at uniteddiversity.com> Jan 04 04:46PM ^
> Hi all,
> I'm thinking of co-ordinating the production of 3 events during
> Cooperative Fortnight June 19th - July 3rd 2010 about the potential of
> uniting the Open Source and Co-op movements.
> The rough idea for the 3 events is:
> 1) presenting the amazing achievements of open source software/
> hardware to people in the co-op movement
> 2) presenting the amazing achievemenets of the co-op movement to
> people in the open source world
> 3) a big open space event that bring everyone together to try and
> answer a question like "how can the open source and co-operative
> movements help each other to thrive (in the face of climate, energy
> and economic uncertainty)?"
> The events would (most likely) take place in Manchester and London.
> Who would like to get involved/ present/ fund/ help make it happen?
> A bit of background...
> Ed Mayo, who headed up the new economics foundation (nef) when I
> worked there for a while has recently taken on a job heading up
> Co-opsUK.
> In his first speech
> http://www.cooperatives-uk.coop/live/images/cme_resources/Public/speeches/a_dog_helps_dog_world.pdf
> he state that one of the central economic challenges is to:
> "6. to take advantage of the digital economy, we can embrace the
> creative commons of co-operation online, from open source to platforms
> for user generated content, rather than try to shore up traditional
> private business. If there can be increasing as well as diminishing
> returns to investment in a knowledge economy, then economic policy
> should economic sharing and limit private monopolies, rather than
> increasing the protectionism of intelletual property as the UK and EU
> has done."
> I met with Ed shortly after he started his new job and we discussed
> some of the amazing potential for Co-operative and Open Source
> movements to well, cooperate.
> For example, imagine what could happen if the Mondragon Assembly
> factory factory (i.e. they make things that makes things)
> http://www.mondragon-assembly.com/ (itself part of a much larger co-op
> group) co-operated with people on the Open Manufacturing list
> http://openmanufacturing.org/ and amazing projects like Open Source
> Ecology http://openfarmtech.org !
> Please let me know ASAP if you can help make this happen.
> Thanks!
> Josef.
> --
> Josef Davies-Coates
> 07974 88 88 95
> http://uniteddiversity.com
> Together We Have Everything
> --
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Sam Rose
Social Synergy
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
Cel: +1-(517)-974-6451
skype: samuelrose
email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

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