[p2p-research] Free flipper! argues scientist

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 17:34:02 CET 2010

On 1/4/10, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Ryan,
> I disagree that p2p must be 'atheistic', I would agree it is based on
> (post-)secular spirituality,
> pure atheistic secularism, which destroys our participative link with the
> nature and the totality of the universe, with its radical subject/object
> split, is co-extensive with capitalism, modernity and industrial society, it
> is the system we are in the process of leaving.

Hi Michel,

I would find it hard to believe the future is less atheistic, but I
recognize the many times I have been sweepingly and elegantly wrong in
totality many times before.  I tend to think we are at the dawn of a new age
of education and learning where machine learning and brains start to get
very close...but you would be right and fair to reprimand that as still a

While a Shinto-like animism is not completely unreasonable to me, I see no
reason for it.  I veneration and humility are point, I am in.  I venerate
nature and am humbled by it.  But the sort of Nietzchean portrait of atheism
you are painting feels unjust for history and the current reality.  Maybe
the Soviets and Chinese present such a stark version of the
anti-metaphysical, but I don't think it is representative.

I am unclear on subject/object distinction, but I strongly suspect you
are hinting at the interaction of all things and the necesary connectedness
of the physical and the living.  I agree with all that...extensively.  I see
no need of metaphysics to so agree.

Occam's razor erases most metaphysics for me.  I just don't see the point.
If others do, I am not opposed.  For me, there is none.  I would hate to be
excluded (or see machines excluded) because of an unwillingness to profess a
metaphysical position.  I don't suggest you are placing such a requirement
on P2P.

But the ethos itself, much like govenment, I think should be silent on the
metaphysical.   Interconnectedness is mystical in some ways.  I can
appreciate the desire of many to acknowledge that.  It is doing so in such a
way that is not exclusive that become hard.
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