[p2p-research] a new funding mechanism for useful online services

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 14:39:37 CET 2010

On 1/4/10, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
> thanks as usual for your honesty and representing a point of view that is
> not so often present here, as usual I'm learning a lot.

Thanks to all for the fair treatment.

>>Ideally, I prefer a civil society based peer polity,

I hear this a lot and say it myself, but I am not sure we know what it means
wholly.  I have pressed before for definitions, boundaries and examples.  Is
Bolivia closer or is Ethiopia?  Why?

The best I have seen so far was that list of a while ago stating the sorts
of enterprises one would see in a P2P city.  It named a number of specific
enterprises from Berlin or San Francisco or someplace.  That gave me real
hope.  Part of my capitalist overhang is a desire for management by
objective.  Further, one of my great worries about P2P is the absence of non
amoeba-like progress.

I believe in polyarchy--maybe that is most of what we mean by "civil
society".  States with civil societies with private sectors with many
different local and federal governance strategies.  We need global action
sometimes (e.g. on climate) and local action most times.  We need organs
inbetween.  I wonder if we can envision a system that is equally capitalist,
socialist and P2P?  Could such an overlay exist?  What would it look like?

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