[p2p-research] Free flipper! argues scientist

Andy Robinson ldxar1 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 3 23:03:33 CET 2010

Well, I suppose it would have to have an intentionality of its own - though
actor-network theorists would maintain that 'objects' have intentionality of
sorts in any case.  People are certainly capable of having relationships
with a car, a games console or an heirloom that people usually reserve for
living beings, though it helps when the 'thing' has a unique personality
and/or a propensity to eccentricity.  Machines are treated very
disrespectfully today along with people, animals and plants.  The commodity
circuit of turnover and discarding is wasteful in an ecological way and
sharply disruptive of people's relationships to their environment, as well
as using 'resources' excessively - the repair - reuse - hoard - upgrade -
redistribute cycle is rather more sustainable.  A machine modified by
someone who relates to it in a craft modality soon takes on a personality of
sorts.  Benjamin's collector and the "redemption" of objects come to mind
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