[p2p-research] Top 15 Shareable Books

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Sun Jan 3 14:21:16 CET 2010

On Sat, Jan 02, 2010 at 01:38:29PM -0800, Franco Iacomella wrote:

> Both Facebook and Twitter are based on a centralized network. If your
> idea of "peer to peer" is reduced to the possibility that a peer
> contact another peer, then you should add almost every kind of
> technology to your list, even e-mail.
> It's clear to me that Facebook and Twitter don't create an horizontal
> network of information, beyond they are private corporations,
> vigilance systems and so on :-)
> I think it would to know others opinion on this issue, since defining
> a common basic understanding of the P2P it's essential.

Your view is the correct one.

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820 http://www.ativel.com http://postbiota.org
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