[p2p-research] Fwd: What information systems are defined as "money/currency" ? Re: [tsolife-disc] elf Pavlik goes for an EuroTrip ...

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 3 03:20:14 CET 2010

One more forward from Dante.

Please note, thanks Sepp!, a new entry on Silvio Gesell, at

with links to explanations on how design actually affects money.

Dante: If David is interested in knowing about how open money actually
fundamentally differs from the current based system, see

see the intro articles:


The P2P Foundation supports the direct social production of money, such as
for example through Open Money <http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Money> and
other P2P Exchange Infrastructure
This marvellous presentation by Robin
Upton <http://www.altruists.org/f598> explains how this can work.

Key distinctions: Currencies <http://p2pfoundation.net/Currencies> ; Free
Currencies <http://p2pfoundation.net/Free_Currencies> ;

For starters, read Eric Harris-Braun key argument: Why Monetary Design is
Important <http://p2pfoundation.net/Why_Monetary_Design_is_Important>

*Introductory Articles*

   1. Read this excellent introduction to the negative role of
   interest-based money by Charles
   2. Best current report on the topic: Creating New
   A monetary reform for the information age. By Joseph Huber & James
   Robertson. New Economics Foundation
   3. Arthur Brock: Differences between Open Source and Open
   4. Kevin Carson introduces the Peer
   5. Michel Bauwens on the Importance of Peer
   6. *Alan Rosenblith: We need P2P Architectures for

*Hot Topics:*

   1. The historical experience of the Worgl
   2. WIR Economic Circle
   this 70-old Swiss mutual credit clearing system is getting traction as a
   model for the rest of Europe
   3. The creation of the Open Source Hardware Reserve
   Details here<http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/the-economics-of-open-source-hardware-need-a-oshw-bank/2009/03/14>
   4. The Metacurrency Project<http://p2pfoundation.net/Metacurrency_Project>:
   the tci/ip platform for diverse currency creation: *see the
   * as first attempt to establish sucn an infrastructure for Free
   Currencies <http://p2pfoundation.net/Free_Currencies>
   5. Open Coin<https://trac.opencoin.org/trac/opencoin/browser/trunk/standards/>:
   an actual published open specification for creating distributed digital
   6. The Swedish interest-free JAK Bank <http://p2pfoundation.net/JAK_Bank>
   [2] <http://www.feasta.org/documents/review2/carrie2.htm>
   7. The Common Good Bank
   [3] <http://commongoodbank.com/>
   8. The Resource Based
   a system in which money and barter serve no purpose


   1. Better redistribution of the existing
   2. Transformation of the monetary
system<http://p2pfoundation.net/Monetary_Reform>through the social
production of money
   3. Alternatives to money: Peer
Production<http://p2pfoundation.net/Peer_Production> ;
   Gift Economy <http://p2pfoundation.net/Gift_Economy> ;
   and other ways to assist in a transition to a more Resource Based
Economy<http://p2pfoundation.net/Resource_Based_Economy>through Peer
   to Peer Exchanges <http://p2pfoundation.net/Peer_to_Peer_Exchanges> and P2P
   Exchange Infrastructure

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dante-Gabryell Monson <dante.monson at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 9:04 AM
Subject: What information systems are defined as "money/currency" ? Re:
[tsolife-disc] elf Pavlik goes for an EuroTrip ...
To: tsolife-disc at lists.riseup.net, David Collins <david at indigo.uk.to>,
nomadbase at lists.0xb5.org, elf Pavlik <perpetual-tripper at wwelves.org>

Good to read your reply David

*" On the other hand, and unlike Dante, I don't see much merit in
alternative currencies or other exchange paradigms - either from an ethical
or a practical point of view.
I don't want to seem dogmatic, but I fail to see how they are significantly
better than conventional money. "*

*I guess it depends how we define money.*
Most alternative complementary currencies I heard of are "mutual credit"
type of monetary systems.

Perhaps one of the largest being th "Wir" :


also influenced by Silvio Gesell's ideas.

But there are other types of complementary currencies we can imagine or
I will not go into detail on this in this mail.

To avoid such confusion, I sometimes use the term "Alternative and/or
complementary *resource allocation information system*"

And from my point of view, such information systems could easily be called

For example, in one gift economics platform called "freecycle"
http://www.freecycle.org/ , you have mailing lists organized by region or
where people can announce what they want to give, and other people can

The same with Couchsurfing, except that it is probably a little more
complex, enabling access to visualizing subjective trust relations.

It is , from my point of view, a "resource allocation information system".

I imagine that such system could be extended to enable greater
organizational complexity,
enabling for example "requests for support" to become units, both
"measurable" and "subjective" units ( I remember Pavlik mentionned such
difference when meeting up with him )

I brainstormed this suggested architecture around such kind of "reversed
debt" ( currency ? ) kind of gift economics through an emergent resource
allocation information system here :


When are "units of information" in a resource allocation system definable as
a currency ?

Thanks for the links ! Glad to see you are on open manufacturing.
Are you also following up on the p2presearch list ?
or wiki, or blog and ning ?

blog :


wiki :


list :



ning :


I ll look into the CS forum you mentionned :-)



On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 11:07 AM, David Collins <david at indigo.uk.to> wrote:

> Hi elf.
> Your attitude is inspiring.
> I don't necessarily agree with you in the many and varied details - but I
> think some of your ideas are bang on.
> For example: although I fundamentally disagree with the ideological
> underpinnings of the monetary economy, I am open to the possibility of
> limited participation in it for the foreseeable future.[1]
> Simultaneously, I aspire to share whatever I have in my possession with
> people I care about.
> On the other hand, and unlike Dante, I don't see much merit in alternative
> currencies or other exchange paradigms - either from an ethical or a
> practical point of view.
> I don't want to seem dogmatic, but I fail to see how they are significantly
> better than conventional money.
> If you're on couchsurfing, and if you have time at any stage, feel free to
> contribute to the "Gift economy" group:
> http://www.couchsurfing.org/group.html?gid=19609 .
> (I have reservations about even using the word "economy" in this context,
> but it's probably not worth getting bogged down in semantics right now.)
> Also, since you seem to be interested in bringing open-source principles to
> the real world, you might be interested in the open manufacturing group:
> http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing .
> You might be disappointed by the attitude of many of the contributors
> towards money (I have been), but there is some exciting stuff discussed
> there.
> I'm in Ireland for the near future, but all the best in your travels.
> By the way: Happy new year everyone!
> Regards
> david
> [1] I think it's valid to draw on an analogy with software development. For
> example: after the founding of the Free Software Foundation in 1983/1984, it
> took about a decade to build a complete, free, GNU-based operating system
> (and then approximately another decade before it became sufficiently
> "user-friendly" for most people). In the meantime, a lot of people -
> including the developers of GNU/Linux - would have been using proprietary
> software. Why? Because it was the only option in many cases.
> Similarly, I think it's entirely practical on the one hand, but not
> unethical on the other, to partake in the monetary economy (at least to a
> certain extent) while the "freeconomy" is still in gestation, and until it
> is fully up and running - especiallly considering that the timescale
> involved could be significantly longer than in the case of free software. I
> don't want to seem pessimistic, but I'm not convinced that we'll actually
> ever achieve this alternative.
> (I'm not sure how clearly I articulated those thoughts - but hopefully you
> have some sense of what I'm getting at).
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Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Think thank:

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