[p2p-research] Top 15 Shareable Books

Franco Iacomella yaco at gnu.org
Sat Jan 2 22:38:29 CET 2010

2010/1/2 Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com>:
> Wikipedia is not distributed, but we regularly describe it as P2P.

Wikipedia is free and open but not distributed. Is one of its mayor problems.

> I think Peer to Peer is exactly what is says...from a peer to a peer.  To
> me, that is the revolution of Twitter and Facebook.

I know there is not full consensus on what P2P is, but the network
model it represents is pretty clear (since Paul Baran's diagrams).
Just take a look at the schemes:

Both Facebook and Twitter are based on a centralized network. If your
idea of "peer to peer" is reduced to the possibility that a peer
contact another peer, then you should add almost every kind of
technology to your list, even e-mail.
It's clear to me that Facebook and Twitter don't create an horizontal
network of information, beyond they are private corporations,
vigilance systems and so on :-)

I think it would to know others opinion on this issue, since defining
a common basic understanding of the P2P it's essential.


Franco Iacomella
 [ GNU Project ]

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