[p2p-research] Fwd: FW: P2P Foundation - 5 new articles

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 19:30:23 CET 2010

good to see our stuff circulating ...


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hazel Henderson <hazel.henderson at ethicalmarkets.com>
Date: Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 10:13 PM
Subject: FW: P2P Foundation - 5 new articles
To: Ethical Markets Media <winwin at ethicalmarkets.com>
Cc: "Martin, David E." <dem at m-cam.com>, Michel Bauwens <
michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

 Hi Melanie : pls post on our Wealth of Networks  and Earth Systems Science
  pages, with this header :

      "  We are enthusiastic about the huge potential of the GLOBAL
INNOVATION COMMONS   and Dr. David Martin's initiative  ,, Ed  "

, thanks H


*D.Sc.Hon., FRSA, author, futurist, president - Ethical Markets Media, LLC*

*PO Box 5190**, St. Augustine, FL 32085**; Phone: 904/829-3140, Fax:

*www.EthicalMarkets.com, www.EthicalMarkets.tv, www.hazelhenderson.com,

Check TV listings for *Growing the Green Economy* on the Documentary Channel
and our latest show *The Money Fix* on PBS affiliates.**


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*"P2P Foundation <http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/>" -  new articles*

   1. Towards a global innovation commons against climate

*Towards a global innovation commons against climate

We covered this before, but David Bollier’s clear
republication, especially after the failure of the Copenhagen

David Bollier:

*“David E. Martin, an intellectual property activist who works with many
developing countries, argues that a great many green technologies are
already in the public domain and ready to be developed. They just need to be
identified and used.*

*Martin’s brilliant and subversive innovation, launched last week, is
the Global
Innovation Commons <http://p2pfoundation.net/Global_Innovation_Commons>. The
project is described in a cover article in the German magazine Der
Spiegel: Patent
Lies: Who Says Saving the Planet Has to Cost a

*The Global Innovation Commons is a massive interactive archive of
energy-saving technologies whose patents have expired, been abandoned or
simply have no protection. The idea is to let entrepreneurs and national
governments query the database on a country-by-country basis to identify
helpful technologies that are in the public domain. Once identified, these
technologies for energy, water and agriculture are prime candidates for
being developed at lower costs than patented technologies.*

*The World Bank is a partner on this project, along with the International
Finance Corporation’s infoDev unit. The World Bank has estimated that the
technologies in the GIC database could save more than $2 trillion in
potential license fees. The Global Innovation Commons essentially seeks to
bring the advantages of the open-source software development model — open
participation, faster innovation, greater reliability, cheaper costs — to
technologies that are claimed to be patented.*

*Here’s how the Global Innovation Commons describes the role of patents in
impeding innovation — and how the new database helps establish a new
open-innovation commons:*

*For the past 30 years, patents have been abused. Rather than serving the
public’s expansion of knowledge, they’ve been used as business and legal
weapons. Over 50,000,000 patents covering everything you do have served to
keep you from benefiting in many aspects of your life. Many life-saving
treatments have been kept from the market because they threaten established
business interests. The world’s ecosystem has been severely damaged because
efficiencies have been kept from entering the market.*

 *In the face of all this, however, there is the good news: The thirty-year
“cold war” of innovation is over. Today, you now have access to it all. In
the Global Innovation Commons, we have assembled hundreds of thousands of
innovations – most in the form of patents – which are either expired,
no-longer maintained (meaning that the fees to keep the patents in force
have lapsed), disallowed, or unprotected in most, if not all, relevant
markets. This means that, as of right now, you can take a step into a world
full of possibilities, not roadblocks. You want clean water for China or
Sudan – it’s in here. You want carbon-free energy – it’s in here. You want
food production for Asia or South America – it’s in here.*

*Der Spiegel notes that the Global Information Commons database represents
such a huge advance because it aggregates so many different patent-free
technologies from so many different parts of the world:*

*Martin’s *

*“custom-made software and a vast server are programmed to trawl an compare
hundreds of thousands of files containing patent information from what would
seem an incongruous list of places: Papua New Guinea, Berlin, the Brazilian
rainforest, New york. Some of these patents are now; others have expired.
What Martin — and those who work with him at M-CAM — say they found is that
one in three patents registered today on energy-saving technology duplicate
gadgets that were first dreamed up in the wake of the 1970s oil crisis and
are now freely available.”*

*Martin says that a great many patents are not novel at all. They simply
duplicate innovations that were made decades ago. But patent applications
often disguise this fact by using colorful and complicated language. And
overworked government patent examiners, struggling with limited resources
and seeking to avoid legal hassles, often grant new patents that are not
truly warranted.*

*Martin is a major irritant to large tech companies because he is
challenging a key rationale for patents — that they are essential in
promoting innovation. He argues that patents often serve to impede
innovative technologies and make them unaffordable — at precisely the time
when all countries of the world, rich and poor, need to adopt cutting-edge
energy technologies to cut carbon emissions.*

*In touting “open innovation,” Martin takes the tradition of free software
and digital commons to exciting new frontiers. The Global Innovation Commons
promises to spur a strong new wave of technological innovation through the
sharing of new ideas rather than through exclusive, private control of them.
As Martin put it, “What we do is trawl documents for their true meaning. But
what we care about are basic human issues. In this case, it’s to show up
what belongs to the big guys and what belongs to society.” *


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*IP counterproductive for science and

An excerpt from an editorial in The
November 26, by
*John Sulston*, with Sarah Chan and Professor John Harris (participants in
the Manchester Manifesto<http://www.isei.manchester.ac.uk/TheManchesterManifesto.pdf>for
an Open Science)

John Sulston:

*“The myth is that IP rights are as important as our rights in castles, cars
and corn oil. IP is supposedly intended to encourage inventors and the
investment needed to bring their products to the clinic and marketplace. In
reality, patents often suppress invention rather than promote it: drugs are
“evergreened” when patents are on the verge of running out – companies buy
up the patents of potential rivals in order to prevent them being turned
into products. Moreover, the prices charged, especially for pharmaceuticals,
are often grossly in excess of those required to cover costs and make
reasonable profits.*

*IP rights are beginning to permeate every area of scientific endeavour.
Even in universities, science and innovation, which have already been paid
for out of the public purse, are privatised and resold to the public via
patents acquired by commercial interests. The drive to commercialise science
has overtaken not only applied research but also “blue-skies” research, such
that even the pure quest for knowledge is subverted by the need for profit.*

*For example, it is estimated that some 20% of individual human genes have
been patented already or have been filed for patenting. As a result,
research on certain genes is largely restricted to the companies that hold
the patents, and tests involving them are marketed at prohibitive prices. We
believe that this poses a very real danger to the development of science for
the public good.*

*The fruits of science and innovation have nourished our society and economy
for years, but nations unable to navigate our regulatory system are often
excluded, as are vulnerable individuals. We need to consider how to balance
the needs of science as an industry with the plight of those who desperately
need the products of science.*

*Clearly it is vitally important that we continue to protect science and
enable it to flourish. Science and the many benefits that science has
produced have played a crucial part in our history and produced vast
improvements to human welfare. It would be remiss if we failed to
recognisethe importance of science as an industry and investment in
research to
national and regional economic development; but against these economic
concerns (individual, corporate and national) an overriding consideration
must be the interests of the public and of humanity present and future.
Science as an industry may be booming, but the benefits of science need to
be more efficiently and more cheaply placed in the service of the public.*

*This is of particular concern in the developing world, where drugs that are
routinely available in high-income countries are unaffordable or
inaccessible, and treatments for diseases of the poor are simply not being
developed due to lack of a viable market. Existing inequities in knowledge
capital make developing nations hostage to more technologically advanced
countries for their basic health and development needs, and restrict the
participation in research that would allow them to redress this imbalance.*

*For science to continue to flourish, it is necessary that the knowledge it
generates be made freely and widely available. IP rights have the tendency
to stifle access to knowledge and the free exchange of ideas that is
essential to science. So, far from stimulating innovation and the
dissemination of the benefits of science, IP all too often hampers
scientific progress and restricts access to its products.”*



*Links for 2009-12-29

   - Shareable: Renting Towards
   Rentalic helps individual people rent their stuff -- lawnmowers, parking
   spaces, clothes, whatever you got --to other people. A social venture that
   combines for-profit and non-profit goals, their mission is "to help people
   save money, make money, and save the environment by encouraging reuse and
   sharing through person-to-person renting."
   - Shareable: Why I Started Share Some
   an online service that finds someone in your neighborhood who is willing
   to lend you something that you need. Need that ladder? Or how about
   borrowing an Xbox and Guitar hero for your holiday? You can go to
   www.ShareSomeSugar.com <http://www.sharesomesugar.com/> and type in the
   item along with your zip code. A list of results come up, showing which
   neighbors are willing to lend out that item.
   - Shareable: New Sharing Project:
   NeighborGoods launched last week in Los Angeles as an online community
   that allows people to freely share, borrow, and lend the things they already
   own with the other people in their neighborhoods.
   - Shareable: How to Share a Car (Part
   n the first part of this two-part series, Berkeley, California mom Jill
   Suttie explored the obstacles to sharing cars in her personal life--but
   also the reasons why carsharing might be good for her, her family, and
   the planet. In Part II, Suttie looks at all the ways people can share

*A Collection of Citations on Open, free, participatory, and
commons-oriented learning

For the citation sources, go

** Schools need to open up to peer-based learning models*

“When you look at children’s learning outside school, it is driven by what
they are interested in, which is the direct opposite of school-based
learning. For example, in the United States a group of students were
interested in Manga, the Japanese animated cartoons. In order to get hold of
them before they were due to arrive on the market, this group got together,
taught themselves Japanese, subtitling and web streaming, because they were
motivated to.

What is the relationship with this idea that education is handing down a
general base of knowledge? I think that is one of the tensions.

When you look at learning in the home you see knowledge-building
communities. Children can act as teachers, they are allowed to adopt
different identities and they are not just learners. They have control over
the time of their learning and how long it will take. The school system
needs to know a lot more about what is happening outside school in terms of
children’s passions, interests and abilities than it does at the moment.

We need a shift towards an education system that is about listening to what
the learners are bringing into the school situation, as well as thinking
about an education system that is pushing things out.”

** The Learning 2.0 approach*

“The traditional approach to e-learning has been to employ the use of a
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), software that is often cumbersome and
expensive - and which tends to be structured around courses, timetables, and
testing. That is an approach that is too often driven by the needs of the
institution rather than the individual learner. In contrast, e-learning 2.0
(as coined by Stephen Downes) takes a ’small pieces, loosely joined’
approach that combines the use of discrete but complementary tools and web
services - such as blogs, wikis, and other social software - to support the
creation of ad-hoc learning communities.”

** Theresa Williamson on The power of peer teaching*

“Everybody knows the proverb about how it’s better to teach a man to fish
than just to give him a fish, but there’s a step beyond that: it’s better
that a man’s neighbor is the one teaching him to fish, his peer. If some
expert swoops in from afar you miss half the value of the interaction
because of the inequality in that relationship. But if it’s his peer
teaching him? Then the man is much more likely to offer something in return.
You are much more likely to create a real sustainable relationship rather
than just a new dependency.”

Theresa Williamson, Founder, Catalytic Communities

** John Maloney on the new knowledge leaders*

“The silent killers of effective knowledge leadership are the pervasive
20th-century traditions of linear, mechanical and reductionist thinking
paired with their obsolete managerial behaviours of control, dominance and

Top knowledge leaders routinely ’suspend their disbelief’ to unlearn their
harmful industrial-era habits and models. They learn from the emerging
future through authentic conversation. 21st-century knowledge leaders
actively pursue external interactions and continuously use genuine
action/research networks

** The individual mind is overrated*

“The power of the unaided, individual mind is highly overrated: the
Renaissance scholar no longer exists. Although creative individuals are
often thought of as working in isolation, the role of interaction and
collaboration with other individuals is critical. Creative activity grows
out of the relationship between an individual and the world of his or her
work, and from the ties between an individual and other human beings. The
predominant activity in designing complex systems is that participants teach
and instruct each other. Because complex problems require more knowledge
than any single person possesses, it is necessary that all involved
stakeholders participate, communicate, and collaborate with each other.”

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