[p2p-research] acquaintance living without money...

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 18:44:08 CET 2010

thanks Dante,

there seem to be an increasing number of individuals trying this out, is
anybody keeping track of a list?


On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 4:18 AM, Dante-Gabryell Monson <
dante.monson at gmail.com> wrote:

> hes "personal manifesto" / "Vow" :
> https://we.riseup.net/elf-pavlik/about-me
> more below
> note : he used to "make a living/survival" as a programmer
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: elf Pavlik <perpetual-tripper at wwelves.org>
> Date: Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 5:04 PM
> Subject: [Nomadbase] elf Pavlik goes for an EuroTrip and invites you to
> join and help create a WorldTrip together
> To: tsolife-disc at lists.riseup.net, nomadbase at lists.0xb5.org
> Hello Friends =)
> I send this email to mailing lists of 'Traveling School of Life' and
> 'Nomadbase'.
> I believe that I have already met many if not most of you during my stay
> in Berlin in past two months and during SHE goes MAD conference. For
> those who didn't meet me - I call myself elf Pavlik and you can find
> more information about me at: https://we.riseup.net/elf-pavlik/about-me
> (my personal webpage at wwelves.org went temporary down, I will have it
> back in next few days!)
> As many of you already know I strictly stopped using money over half a
> year ago and I have been working on figuring out alternative ways of
> organize our social life on a global scale for more than two years now.
> By the way, last time I have worked on a paid job over 2 1/2 years ago.
> Also before going money-free in May last year, I have lived pretty much
> with ZERO money in California for most of the 2008.
> I would like to explain now why I sent this email...
> During one of my visits in die Brueckenschlaeger Bureau in Berlin, here
> I would like to express my appreciation to the work and attitude of its
> great team! We wandered into the subject of students striking and
> occupying universities in Germany and Europe. Someone thrown an idea
> that maybe I would like to go for a trip and visit those universities
> and meet with the students. Person who proposed it had an intention, as
> far as I remember,  to introduce collaborative possibilities of an open
> source, social networking platform called 'crabgrass' -
> http://crabgrass.riseup.net (http://we.riseup.net uses it itself!)
> I found this idea very interesting. Especially that recently I moved my
> focus from conceptualizing possible solutions we could use in
> reorganizing our social life, towards getting more of enthusiastic
> people involved and improve collaboration between already existing
> projects.
> Personally I find introducing crabgrass just a small part of possible
> subjects I would like to introduce to our friends from European
> universities, and soon I hope beyond Europe. But it will require help of
> other people to also take a trip =) Maybe some of you?
> During my meetings with students, and not only from occupied
> universities, I would like to introduce projects which I have already
> started or will start now:
> (those pages serve more as a mind maps for me, I will work on a content
> and better presentation in next few days, please join those groups and
> check now and than for updates or even better start working on it with
> me =)
> * World Peace Game (including Shareconomy, Lingo Bridge and more...)
>  https://we.riseup.net/world-peace-game
>  https://we.riseup.net/shareconomy
>  https://we.riseup.net/lingo-bridge
> * Hack the Planet
>  https://we.riseup.net/hack-the-planet
> * Open Profile
>  https://we.riseup.net/openprofile
> * Budget-Free
>  https://we.riseup.net/budget-free
> * Open Wishlist
>  https://we.riseup.net/openwishlist
> I would also like to put a big emphasis on presenting projects of my
> friends which I really want to support, participate in and promote:
> * Traveling School of Life
>  http://tsolife.org
> * Nomadbase
>  http://nomadbase.org
> * Peer Economy
>  http://peerconomy.org
> * Freeconomy
>  http://www.justfortheloveofit.org
> but after talking over some details first and achieving consensus with
> their initiators and participants - yes YOU =)
> And again I would consider our approach to money as one of the key
> issues we would need to clarify. Some of you may have participate in a
> session I initiated during SHE goes MAD conference about managing
> projects with 'Budget-Free' approach.
> Personally beside strictly don't directly participating in money
> exchange myself I want to narrow my direct support only to projects
> using 'Budget-Free' way. I believe we should have no problem with
> clarifying some eventual doubts and committing ourselves to taking this
> approach together. In practice we would come up with a statement which
> we would publish and all participants of the projects would digitally
> sign.
> Of course we can use our mailing lists and mentioned earlier groups at
> we.riseup.net to start clarifying all possible doubts and getting an
> idea how all current participants feel about it!
> Than I would also like to start getting in touch with my friends from
> Europe and USA. Than all my friends who like the idea, hopefully
> including you =) together with your/their friends, could reach to other
> countries including Russia, China, Canada, India countries of South
> America and Africa, shortly all over the planet =) And together we could
> coordinate a World Trip to first reach out to young people like us and
> help in joining our forces to make the change we want to see in the
> world!
> I hope you understand why I find participation of people from Traveling
> School of Life and Nomadbase very important =)
> Before I finish, in case you haven't take your time yet to take a closer
> look at some of the  problems of monetary system, I would recommend
> checking out those materials:
> * Money as Debt (video)
>  http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2550156453790090544#
> * Zeitgeist the Movie (I would recommend to start with watching 3rd
> chapter of it - from  1:14:30 until end)
>  http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-594683847743189197#
> And to get some idea about already existing concepts of alternative
> money-free living:
> * A World without Money (eBook, short lecture but not very detailed)
>  http://resourcebasedliving.com/a-world-without-money-ebook
> * From Exchange to Contribution (eBook, very complex, sophisticated and
> detailed description of alternative economy with no currency)
>  http://peerconomy.org
> Since I put pretty much most of my focus and all available time and
> energy towards my present work I will start publishing more information
> about existing resources and creating new ones soon.
> Thank you for taking time to read this pretty long email. I look forward
> to hearing from you and hitting the road preferably in a few days!
> Wishing you and everyone, especially on our beautiful planet Earth, well
> =)
> elf Pavlik
> P.S. Honestly I would really like and enjoy if interested people would
> join me for this trip or at least parts of it. Once we prepare more
> materials and presentations you could start your own trips with your
> friends and keep introducing our projects to the youth and inviting more
> and more people for collaboration.
> _______________________________________________
> Nomadbase mailing list
> Nomadbase at lists.0xb5.org
> https://lists.0xb5.org/mm/listinfo/nomadbase

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Think thank:

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