[p2p-research] Am I missing any commons?

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 15:32:38 CET 2010

Ryan, is this your old list, or something new?


On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 9:25 PM, Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com> wrote:

>  On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 4:14 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> I think that there should definitely a set of conditions for a strong and
>> real commons; and an expanded version for a weaker version, but both should
>> have clear boundary conditions.
>> In my view, it should be clearly restricted to common property, and not
>> public property like libraries.
> I think the key boundaries are as follows:
> 1. A P2P Commons attempt to maximize free, voluntary and open sharing of
> assets that are engaged in the commons.
> 2. Assets placed in the commons are irrevocably there and cannot be removed
> for personal gains. Ongoing participation in a commons implies shared
> responsibility for its sustaining expenses.  When a commons cannot be
> sustained, it is dissolved so as to maximize reuse and sharing of its prior
> assets without cost or selfish limitations.
> 3. P2P (though not necessarily a commons) emphasizes reduced hierarchical
> control and greater autonomy of the individual. The role of parties, states,
> churches, co-ops, corporations, shareholding owners and other collective
> action bodies is intentionally minimized in any form of governance of the
> commons.
> Secondary boundaries (many may reject these in individual terms and still
> claim status as a P2P commons):
> a. Commons work to avoid free riding by encouraging valid and useful
> contributions to the commons as a sustainable process.
> b. P2P commons work to minimize governance interventions.
> c. Commons work to provide useful and valuable tools, assets and services
> to participants.
> d. Commons reject inputs and uses that are applied for gains that are not
> sustainable or that adversely impact the environment.
> e. Commons apply open, fair and recognizably democratic means to govern
> themselves.
> f. Commons are not owned by a state.  They are created out of voluntary
> participation mechanisms where users and participants continually and freely
> choose to participate and the right to exit from participation and support
> clearly exists.
> g. Commons are not a part of or party to any form of capitalism, communism,
> anarchism or socialism as a political ideal and may be compatible with any
> form of government that allows voluntary and free participation in protected
> sharing schemes that are self-governing within reasonably constraints (e.g.
> valid safety or environmental regulations).
> h. P2P commons reject the idea of a single controller, a controller or
> governor for life, or any mode of control or ownership of the commons that
> positions one person or one group as a vanguard, protector, trustee or
> governor acting beyond reasonable terms of a few years and freely chosen by
> participating members.  Organizers and social entrepreneurs who start
> commons with benign intent and who have imbued a commons with their own
> personal will have greater latitude under this criterion so long as their
> actions are reasonably consistent with the long-term goals and boundaries of
> commons.
> i. Commons are perpetual and may not be privatized.
> j. Commons work toward ideals of general public good even if the public
> good is at odds with most members of the commons.
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