[p2p-research] Lessig is my hero

Matt Boggs matt at digiblade.com
Thu Feb 25 00:21:02 CET 2010

Hope there are locations available to view this near you.





On February 25, 2010, Lawrence Lessig will deliver a talk on fair use and
politics in online video from Harvard Law School in Cambridge, MA. In
conjunction with the Cambridge event, the Open Video Alliance is also
supporting screenings in other cities around the world.

The Open Media Foundation, along with the Digital Media Studies program at
the University of Denver will be co-hosting a similar event at the Denver
Open Media studios, which will include Lessig's presentation followed by a
panel discussion. Panelists to include: Chris Coleman, Jonny 5, Laleh Mehran
and Derigan Silver.

Lessig's talk will explore copyright in the digital age and the importance
of the fair use doctrine for free expression on the Internet.

This event is free and open to the public; refreshments will be served.
Thursday, February 25th, 4:30-7:30pm. Open Media Foundation and the Denver
Open Media studios are located at 700 Kalamath Street.


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