[p2p-research] personal server technology

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 19:46:33 CET 2010

Eugen Leitl wrote:
> Patrick Anderson wrote:
>> Must the Material Means of Production required for P2P be necessarily
>> limited to *individual* ownership
> I would strongly suggest so.

Hmm...  Maybe I should rephrase.  What I really meant to ask is:

Must the Material Means of Production required for a more 'fair'
economy be necessarily limited to *individual* ownership?

>> devise a way to hold physical resources together, but in a 'fair'
>> manner?
> Of course, it's a design problem. Difficult, but doable in principle.

Aside from any technical issues, what do you see as being wrong with
how things are done now?

In other words, assuming centralization has *some* benefits, why does
it not serve us in the way we expect?

As an example: What is wrong with Gmail?  I understand they snoop on
you, limit you, report you to 'authorities', etc., but why do *they*
do those things to *us*, and why can *we* not get-together to co-own
those datacenters for our collective 'self' so that we (as a group)
finally have control?

It appears to me the problem is that even when attempting to make
production so-called "community owned", we do not understand how to
handle growth caused by Profit, and so ignorantly accumulate the
control of those investments into the hands of the few that began the
venture while leaving those who paid for the growth without any real
control of their own.

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