[p2p-research] we need your help - creating new open source list of creative eco-techno learning resources - need links, films etc - please distribute - will help lots of people!

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 02:13:29 CET 2010

Thanks for your reply Vicky.

Yes, we can continue discussing it through email exchanges.

In the mean time, I feel like asking you on this list how you feel it
differs , or how similar it may be, from, for example, what Sam , Paul
Hartzog, and possibly others are doing through setting up


I feel there is the possibility for a synthesis of all kinds of projects and
subjects that have been discussed on this list,
and personally I feel more and more that I want to "live" with the people
that want to create such synthesis.

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 7:35 PM, victoria sinclair
<vickysinclair at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey Dante
> thanks for the email and hope you are well
> yes to all!   wiki would be great.   A colleague set up a mailing list for
> the community in manc today for the course and this could be a local version
> of a more macro discussion group - which would be nice...
> And yes - brilliant if you want to get in touch with people as right now my
> colleague is having a bit of a panic attack about the project - having just
> come back from 2 weeks holiday - so i need to spend a bit of time updating
> her on things
> the resources that people have provided so far are amazing and really
> extensive, so can be the foundations of something really nice.    I am
> collating the different sections and in fact it is becoming a bigger job
> than expected because of the sheer immensity of links etc and the kindness
> of people in providing great info.   Whewey...
> so - yes - let's think about how we can expand this out from a simple
> resource list and get some cross pollination of ideas through discussion
> groups etc.
> Also - great to hear about the Leipzig project and i think one way of
> empowering communities is to make info about other proactive hubs available
> -and then get some multi-directional contact between the different nodes.
> So it would be good to think about how we can present this to different
> groups.
> All very exciting - and the more the merrier - even if it takes more work
> to collate - because there are so many interesting things going on!....
> best wishes
> vicky
> On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson <
> dante.monson at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Vicky, ( cc: nomad base <http://nomadbase.org/> , traveling school of
>> life <http://www.tsolife.org/> , city mined ,  p2p research list<http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org>, bcc: more friends )
>> sounds really interesting.
>> Count me in - I m currently focusing on an implementation of such
>> practices
>> http://sharewiki.org/en/Leipzig_project
>> Do you have ( a need for ) a wiki and a mailing list running ?
>> Is there a blog, twitter or delicious feed ?
>> I can support through getting in touch with some of the people you mention
>> in your email,
>> and eventually through networking with other organizations ( for further
>> european collaborations ? ) , such as citymined.org - to check if they
>> are interested ?
>> I also suggest getting in touch with Marilyn Mehlmann ( added in cc ),
>> who, from my point of view, already has a lot of experience related to
>> what you want to implement.
>> http://www.uia.be/node/64367
>> http://www.globalactionplan.com/
>> -------
>> I am currently interested in the implementation of many of the different
>> topics you mention.
>> I am collaborating with friends in Leipzig to build up such kind of
>> resilient networked communities.
>> We have access to a 150 square meter apartment in Leipzig, as a first
>> step, to welcome people that want to live there without paying rent.
>> The water pipes have been recently replaced, the renovation is in process,
>> but it is livable, depending on your comfort needs.
>> It may not directly contribute to your course, but it can be an
>> experimental space for some of its practices;
>> There is already a community of networked houses on the spot, and a lot of
>> students.
>> There is also potentially a lot of space within the city for urban
>> gardening/permaculture,
>> and a lot of non used former industrial space for various forms of peer
>> production.
>> Cordially,
>> Dante
>> http://hitchwiki.org/en/Dante
>>  On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 3:33 PM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>  Hi Victoria,
>>> I'm forwarding this request to our p2p research list, but also add some
>>> names and emails to each of your queries, these are knowledgeable people
>>> that should be able to help ..
>>> On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 9:10 PM, victoria sinclair <
>>> vickysinclair at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>  Hi everyone
>>>> wondering if you can help
>>>> At ArcSpace Manchester we have just been awarded a bit of funding to do
>>>> a pilot project – a creative eco technologies course for the community,
>>>> funded by the Manchester carbon innovation fund which is the green part of
>>>> Manchester City Council
>>>> we will be doing everything on a peer to peer basis and community
>>>> members/delegates will make their own individualised learning and action
>>>> plans after a series of tasters and film screenings on the following:
>>>> ethical textiles, perhaps "Adam Arvidsson" <adam.arvidsson at unimi.it>, ,
>>>> John Thackara , see my P2P-Fashion link in delicious,
>>>> computer recycling
>>>> local food, "Samuel Rose" <samuel.rose at gmail.com>, "Steve Bosserman" <
>>>> steve.bosserman at gmail.com>, http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Agrifood,
>>>> P2P-Food tag in delicious
>>>> permaculture in the city, "Nicholas Roberts" <niccolo.roberts at gmail.com>,
>>>> social media and streaming, try Tactical Tech and Engage Media,
>>>> and at engagemedia.org, "Robin Good" <Robin.Good at masternewmedia.org>,
>>>> calculating carbon footprint
>>>> alternative currencies, "Jordan MacLeod" <jordanbmacleod at yahoo.com>,
>>>> "Thomas Greco -- thg" <thg at mindspring.com>, "Bernard Lietaer" <
>>>> blietaer at earthlink.net>, "Georg Pleger" <georg at pleger.at>,
>>>> free and open source software
>>>> meta-reciclagem
>>>> eco-villages, "Franz Nahrada" <f.nahrada at reflex.at>,
>>>> eco-residencies, arts, technology and project sustainability
>>>> e-waste
>>>> and whatever else we can fit into the 12 week introductory course.
>>>> We also are doing some stream activities and IRC chat rooms on the new,
>>>> international water project (launching soon) and topics above plus such
>>>> things as e-tribalism, free culture, environment and identity, mapping and
>>>> much more.
>>>> So far we know we will create an online discussion at the end of
>>>> february regarding the water project. The date has yet to be confirmed but
>>>> will be at the end of the month during a week day.
>>>> Then our first international streaming event (GloNet) will be 24thMarch. Already with some confirmed Bricolabs network members and Projeto
>>>> Colares (Northern Amazonia, Brasil), Mauj plus Rob van Kranenburg (who will
>>>> be in Karachi), ArcSpace Manchester and departments of IT, Maths and
>>>> Geography (Manchester Metropolitan University) and our local communities and
>>>> cultural organisations.
>>>> At present we are compiling a resource base for the participants in
>>>> these 'creative eco-techno' activities and it would be great if you can send
>>>> us along any links, films, articles that you think would be useful and we
>>>> will then collate it and it will be an open access resource, available to
>>>> all. We are also compiling a dvd of educational videos on a shoestring to
>>>> help assist communities, universities and anyone else who might be
>>>> interested in things like metareciclagem, grass-roots project delivery and
>>>> seeding local innovation for social change. So – if you have any short
>>>> videos please get in touch – we are trying to sort out the subtitling now.
>>>> Please send links, resources to vickysinclair at gmail.com - - and we will
>>>> get this all together as soon as possible. Main language is English but if
>>>> you have got good links in other languages please send them across as an
>>>> eco-architect colleague is creating a multi-lingual resource at present
>>>> (this will take some time longer to compile).
>>>> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
>>>> Best wishes
>>>> vicky sinclair - on behalf of arcspace manchester and erm....positive
>>>> world domination!...
>>>> --
>>>> Victoria Sinclair (Project Manager Generate Project and director
>>>> ArcSpace Manchester)
>>>> --
>>>> Victoria Sinclair (Project Manager Generate Project and director
>>>> ArcSpace Manchester)
>>> --
>>> Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Think
>>> thank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
>>> P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  -
>>> http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
>>> Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:
>>> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
>>> Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
>>> http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> p2presearch mailing list
>>> p2presearch at listcultures.org
>>> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
> --
> Victoria Sinclair (Project Manager Generate Project and director ArcSpace
> Manchester)
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