[p2p-research] Profit Measures the Payer's lack of Physical Source Ownership

Franco Iacomella yaco at gnu.org
Tue Feb 16 19:43:31 CET 2010

2010/2/16 Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com>:
> Thanks.  And I accept your corrections.  I would still like to see Stallman
> answer the question...is he a Marxist?

Not at all. Stallman can be described as a liberal (clearly in the way
he understands freedom), altought his knowledge about economy seems to
be very poor.

He is asked about Marx in a spanish interview:

Here I translate the question and his answer:

- Are you interested or have any opinion about Karl Marx?

I haven't read him, and I know just a few of his ideas. I recognize
that sometimes an analysis in terms of classes and their interests can
history, but the most important political issues are not matters of
class, but of human rights (applicable to all), justice, and

For example, i don't want that there are no private companies, but I
don't want that companies are large and powerful as to threaten
democracy. I believe that free trade is desirable, being economically
beneficial to the point where it begins to weaken democratic state
power to regulate business. But we already reached that point and the
Free Trade Agreements must be reversed to restore democracy.


Franco Iacomella
 [ GNU Project ]

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