[p2p-research] [OK] Introducing the OpenKollab Ecosystem Pooled Fund: a collaborative approach to funding early stage social ventures

Suresh Fernando suresh at radical-inclusion.com
Mon Feb 15 21:02:36 CET 2010

Hey Folks,

Here is the copy that I will be distributing as a part of my outreach
process to funders and other potentially interested parties. Please feel
free to redistribute if you wish.

OpenKollab's <http://mudball.net/openkollab/> is developing infrastructure
and processes to support its larger mission of Connecting Projects To Solve
Massive Social Problems. In service of this larger end, we are developing
the Ecosystem Pooled Fund
<http://www.slideshare.net/sureshf/openkollab-pooled-fund>initiative, the
objective of which is to develop a model to provide financing to early stage
social entrepreneurs (those that are developing projects that delivery both
social value and financial return). As you likely know, there is a gap in
the funding landscape that makes it very hard for social entrepreneurs to
raise seed funds. The gap exists due to the fact that social ventures
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_entrepreneurship>typically carry high
risk but don't necessarily carry high enough financial return to offset this
risk since they are not solely focused on financial return.

*I am wondering if it would be possible to arrange a time to chat to
introduce you to OpenKollab <http://mudball.net/openkollab/>and the
following model.*

The strategy of the Ecosystem Pooled Fund is, therefore, to offset risk by
bringing groups of early stage social ventures together collaboratively.
This has the following benefits:

*Reducing Investment Risk By Developing Collaborative Process Amongst Early
Stage Social Ventures**

   - *Scale:* In grouping projects together, we create scale (more people,
   ideas, resources etc.).
   - *Modularity:* In viewing ones enterprise as a part of a system of
   relations, one can direct ones activities in a way that is aligned with ones
   ecosystem partners.
   - *Social cohesion: *we hope that some of what works in the Grameen Peer
   Lending <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solidarity_lending> model, works in
   this context as well. In support of this idea, we will be developing
   non-binding collaboration agreements that formalize the commitments between
   - *Offsets technology risk:* A constant challenge for investors is to be
   able to assess the value of technology and processes that have not already
   garnered market acceptance. In getting peers to use your technology,
   processes etc., (as ecosystem collaborators) the functional utility of the
   technology is validated by people that understand the technology.
   - *Increased Product Validation:* in fitting your technology or process
   into a value chain of collaborators, you will solve problems and enhance the
   product thereby making it more market worthy.
   - *Increased Network/Channel Capacity*: In working collaboratively with
   others, you will build networks and contacts that will open up other market

More details on the model can be found in this

*Collaborative Projects That OpenKollab is Preparing Investment Cases For*
OpenKollab organizes all its activity around the notion of an
groups of projects that might be able to collaborate. We are currently
developing a collaborative funding strategy for four projects in the Open
Manufacturing Ecosystem<https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AiJ9wl9qbZEzdGRYY2YzRlhHemVMT3ZFd1otSHp0anc&hl=en>and
are in discussion with several projects in the Open
Government Ecosystem.<https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AsCSL3k5hoJTdE55ZFg2R19lTmRTREZ2R2RRd05lTmc&hl=en>This
process is being formalized through the creation of Collaboration
define the collaboration process and the commitments that the various
groups are making to each other.

*Information Modeling*
Central to the OpenKollab <http://mudball.net/openkollab/> strategy is the
development of information models which are designed to collect specific
data on projects within
support driving collaborative activity between projects. The
information we are currently collecting is:

   - *Mission and Goals*: the objective is to see if collaboration
   possibilities arise if projects have aligned missions
   - *Collaborative Relationships*: projects self identify other projects
   they believe they can collaborate with
   - *Project Summaries;* specific information about business models, market
   strategies, unique differentiators etc.

Examples of the specific information being collected can be found in the
various tabs in, for example, the Open Manufacturing
Technology Infrastructure Strategy*
An associated strategy that will, in time, be developed on top of the
information models is a technology layer that supports the matching of
projects. Details of the vision that underlies the technology strategy can
be found in the following presentations:

   - Open System Mobilization
describes a vision for a platform that matches projects to support
   mobilization of projects around large scale social problems.
   - Ecosystem Mobilization Platform:
   offers some thoughts on what the user interface paradigm for such a platform
   might look like.
   - Project Matching:<http://www.slideshare.net/sureshf/openkollab-project-matching>This
describes how meta-data such as that being currently collected via our
   information models can be used to match projects and drive collaboration.

Our mission is, in part, to solve the systemic problem that impedes the flow
of capital into social ventures because we believe that the development of
an infrastructure that supports social ventures would be beneficial to

If possible, I would like to arrange a time for a quick chat just to
introduce you to our work and to explore areas of potential collaboration.

If this is of interest, maybe we can connect on Skype. You can find me at


Suresh Fernando
WEBSITE: http://radical-inclusion.com
WEBSITE: http://openkollab.com
FAN PAGE: http://www.facebook.com/openkollab.
BLOG: http://sureshfernando.wordpress.com
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sureshf
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/suresh.fernando
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