[p2p-research] we need your help - creating new open source list of creative eco-techno learning resources - need links, films etc - please distribute - will help lots of people!

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Sun Feb 14 16:22:40 CET 2010

Hi Vicky, ( cc: nomad base <http://nomadbase.org/> , traveling school of
life <http://www.tsolife.org/> , city mined ,  p2p research
bcc: more friends )

sounds really interesting.

Count me in - I m currently focusing on an implementation of such practices


Do you have ( a need for ) a wiki and a mailing list running ?
Is there a blog, twitter or delicious feed ?

I can support through getting in touch with some of the people you mention
in your email,
and eventually through networking with other organizations ( for further
european collaborations ? ) , such as citymined.org - to check if they are
interested ?

I also suggest getting in touch with Marilyn Mehlmann ( added in cc ),
who, from my point of view, already has a lot of experience related to what
you want to implement.




I am currently interested in the implementation of many of the different
topics you mention.
I am collaborating with friends in Leipzig to build up such kind of
resilient networked communities.

We have access to a 150 square meter apartment in Leipzig, as a first step,
to welcome people that want to live there without paying rent.
The water pipes have been recently replaced, the renovation is in process,
but it is livable, depending on your comfort needs.

It may not directly contribute to your course, but it can be an experimental
space for some of its practices;
There is already a community of networked houses on the spot, and a lot of

There is also potentially a lot of space within the city for urban
and a lot of non used former industrial space for various forms of peer



On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 3:33 PM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Victoria,
> I'm forwarding this request to our p2p research list, but also add some
> names and emails to each of your queries, these are knowledgeable people
> that should be able to help ..
> On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 9:10 PM, victoria sinclair <vickysinclair at gmail.com
> > wrote:
>>  Hi everyone
>> wondering if you can help
>> At ArcSpace Manchester we have just been awarded a bit of funding to do a
>> pilot project – a creative eco technologies course for the community, funded
>> by the Manchester carbon innovation fund which is the green part of
>> Manchester City Council
>> we will be doing everything on a peer to peer basis and community
>> members/delegates will make their own individualised learning and action
>> plans after a series of tasters and film screenings on the following:
>> ethical textiles, perhaps "Adam Arvidsson" <adam.arvidsson at unimi.it>, ,
>> John Thackara , see my P2P-Fashion link in delicious,
>> computer recycling
>> local food, "Samuel Rose" <samuel.rose at gmail.com>, "Steve Bosserman" <
>> steve.bosserman at gmail.com>, http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Agrifood,
>> P2P-Food tag in delicious
>> permaculture in the city, "Nicholas Roberts" <niccolo.roberts at gmail.com>,
>> social media and streaming, try Tactical Tech and Engage Media,
>> and at engagemedia.org, "Robin Good" <Robin.Good at masternewmedia.org>,
>> calculating carbon footprint
>> alternative currencies, "Jordan MacLeod" <jordanbmacleod at yahoo.com>,
>> "Thomas Greco -- thg" <thg at mindspring.com>, "Bernard Lietaer" <
>> blietaer at earthlink.net>, "Georg Pleger" <georg at pleger.at>,
>> free and open source software
>> meta-reciclagem
>> eco-villages, "Franz Nahrada" <f.nahrada at reflex.at>,
>> eco-residencies, arts, technology and project sustainability
>> e-waste
>> and whatever else we can fit into the 12 week introductory course.
>> We also are doing some stream activities and IRC chat rooms on the new,
>> international water project (launching soon) and topics above plus such
>> things as e-tribalism, free culture, environment and identity, mapping and
>> much more.
>> So far we know we will create an online discussion at the end of february
>> regarding the water project. The date has yet to be confirmed but will be at
>> the end of the month during a week day.
>> Then our first international streaming event (GloNet) will be 24th March.
>> Already with some confirmed Bricolabs network members and Projeto Colares
>> (Northern Amazonia, Brasil), Mauj plus Rob van Kranenburg (who will be in
>> Karachi), ArcSpace Manchester and departments of IT, Maths and Geography
>> (Manchester Metropolitan University) and our local communities and cultural
>> organisations.
>> At present we are compiling a resource base for the participants in these
>> 'creative eco-techno' activities and it would be great if you can send us
>> along any links, films, articles that you think would be useful and we will
>> then collate it and it will be an open access resource, available to all. We
>> are also compiling a dvd of educational videos on a shoestring to help
>> assist communities, universities and anyone else who might be interested in
>> things like metareciclagem, grass-roots project delivery and seeding local
>> innovation for social change. So – if you have any short videos please get
>> in touch – we are trying to sort out the subtitling now.
>> Please send links, resources to vickysinclair at gmail.com - - and we will
>> get this all together as soon as possible. Main language is English but if
>> you have got good links in other languages please send them across as an
>> eco-architect colleague is creating a multi-lingual resource at present
>> (this will take some time longer to compile).
>> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
>> Best wishes
>> vicky sinclair - on behalf of arcspace manchester and erm....positive
>> world domination!...
>> --
>> Victoria Sinclair (Project Manager Generate Project and director ArcSpace
>> Manchester)
>> --
>> Victoria Sinclair (Project Manager Generate Project and director ArcSpace
>> Manchester)
> --
> Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Think
> thank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
> P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
> Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:
> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
> Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
> http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
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