[p2p-research] Introducing an E-Course in Traditional Foods Preparation

Ryan rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 12 20:01:34 CET 2010

  Sent to you by Ryan via Google Reader: Introducing an E-Course in
Traditional Foods Preparation via Food Renegade by KristenM on 2/9/10

Preparing Real Food can be daunting. If you’ve never baked a loaf of
bread, how are you supposed to suddenly master making sourdough or
using sprouted grains? What if you’ve never made yogurt, cheese, or
sauerkraut? Let’s say you decide to tackle one of these tasks, now
what? Where do you go from there?

Books like Nourishing Traditions can be overwhelming. There’s just too
much to practically change all at once. How do you know where to start?

That’s why I’m so excited to introduce you to a new online course
developed by fellow blogger Wardeh Harmon.

It’s a 5-month look at the Fundamentals of Traditional Foods
Preparation. Lessons include videos, fact sheets, exclusive interactive
forums, and in-depth instructions into the what, why, and how of
traditional foods.

What’s In the e-Course?

* Overview: eCourse Overview
* Lesson 1: The GNOWFGLINS Foundation
* Lesson 2: How to Soak Whole Grains, Nuts and Seeds
* Lesson 3: How to Make Soaked Whole-Grain Flour Baked Goods I
* Lesson 4: How to Make Soaked Whole-Grain Flour Baked Goods II
* Lesson 5: How to Soak and Cook Dry Beans
* Lesson 6: How to Sprout Beans
* Lesson 7: How to Cook a Chicken and Make Chicken Stock
* Lesson 8: How to Make Skillet Dishes: A Dinner Formula
* Lesson 9: How to Make Water Kefir
* Lesson 10: How to Make Dairy Kefir
* Lesson 11: How to Make Soft, Spreadable Cheese
* Lesson 12: How to Make Sourdough Bread
* Lesson 13: How to Sprout Whole Grains for Sprouted Grain Flour & How
to Bake With Sprouted Grain Flour
* Lesson 14: How to Make Natural Pickled Foods

Wardeh will systematically introduce you to a system of food
preparation that will significantly reduce your planning and meal
preparation time while simultaneously allowing you to learn all the
basics of preparing traditional, wholesome, healthy foods for you and
your family.

Imagine the possibilities! You don’t have to waste money on failed
kitchen experiments. You’ll be able to follow her step-by-step videos
and walk through the process mistake-free. It will take virtually ALL
the intimidation out of cooking traditional foods, empowering you with
the confidence you need to create simple, nutrient-dense meals.

It’s the kind of online course that I wish I’d created myself. And —
get this — it’s only $27/month. You couldn’t get courses at your local
community college for less than that!

To find out more about the course, click here. Spaces are limited, and
enrollment closes on February 22nd. So, why not go check it out now?

Just follow the link to find out all the details!

What if you have dietary restrictions? Wardeh does a good job showing
you how even people with dietary restrictions can still benefit
immensely from her course. What if you’re going dairy-free, grain-free,
gluten-free, or egg-free? It doesn’t matter! Wardeh’s course is so
adaptable. Click here to find out how she’s formatted the course to
accommodate those with dietary restrictions.

If you already know you want to sign up for the course, just follow
this link to the Sign Up page. If you want more information before
making your decision, check out Wardeh’s introduction to the e-Course

Please note that I have partnered with Wardeh in order to help her sell
spots to potential students; I am that excited about what she’s doing!
So, if you follow a link from my site and register with her, I will
make a small commission on the sale.

Liked what you read? You may find these other posts interesting:
- Lovin’ The Primal Blueprint
- How To Eat Grains
- Junk Food Isn’t All Bad

Things you can do from here:
- Subscribe to Food Renegade using Google Reader
- Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your
favorite sites
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