[p2p-research] Reviewers wanted for Open Government book

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Thu Feb 11 15:33:29 CET 2010

> this book will be on the bookshelf next march:
> http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596804367
> and I just got this request from the editor, please pass it around:
> > Please send me a list of influencers, journalists, and bloggers
> > who should receive a copy of the book.  (Especially people who are
> > likely to write about and review it.) We need complete contact
> > info, including telephone numbers and email addresses.

I've just forwarded to the editor all the answers I got from this and
other lists, in the order I got them. Now it's up to the editors, I
have no idea myself how they will choose.

Thanks to all who answered, it's great to see so much interest in a
project who also includes one's contribution.

Risks for Italian Public Education in Government/Microsoft deal:

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