[p2p-research] Reviewers wanted for Open Government book

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Wed Feb 10 10:20:00 CET 2010


this book will be on the bookshelf next march:

and I just got this request from the editor, please pass it around:

> Please send me a list of influencers, journalists, and bloggers who
> should receive a copy of the book.  (Especially people who are
> likely to write about and review it.) We need complete contact info,
> including telephone numbers and email addresses.

If anybody is interested, just send me your data off list and I'll
forward it to O'Reilly (I'm not saying "directly send your data to..."
for the simple reason that O'Reilly itself asked us to do it this
way,see above)

Ninux Day, or why you too may need your "neighborhood Internet":

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