[p2p-research] an upgrade idea

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 03:50:24 CET 2010

Hi Lawrence,

these are sensible suggestions and I adapted them here at

unless you were referring to another link?


On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 11:26 PM, Lawrence Wollersheim
<wollersheim at msn.com>wrote:

>  Dear Michel,
> In the following P2P principles I offer several possible upgrades to extend
> the vision (in red.) I am not attached if you disagree.
> I do think that to somewhat focus P2P as a political movement as the
> language currently implies is to narrow the scope and draw in too many
> attacks in its early stages. I think the language I offer includes the
> political without focusing on it as the future prime manifestation of P2P.
> No worries, if you think my suggestions stink! LOL
> Best,
> L
> About Peer To Peer Foundation
> *The Foundation for P2P Alternatives*
> The Foundation for P2P Alternatives proposes to be a meeting place for
> those who can broadly agree with the following guiding ideas, principles
> and propositions, which are also argued in the essay or book in progress,
> P2P and Human Evolution:
> - that technology reflects and holds the potentials for a change of
> consciousness towards individual and networked participation, and in turn
> strengthens it
> - that the networked format, expressed in the specific manner of peer to
> peer relations, is a new form of (Delete political) organizing and
> subjectivity, and an alternative for many systems within the (delete
> political/economic) ( add-  current socio-econominic  and cultural-political
> order, which though it does not offer solutions per se, points the way to
> a variety of dialogical and self-organizing formats, i.e. it represents
> different processes for arriving at such solutions; it ushers in a era of
> “non-representational democracy”, where an increasing number of people are
> able to manage their social and productive life through the use of a variety
> of autonomous and interdependent networks and peer circles
> - that it creates a new public domain, an information commons, which should
> be protected and extended, especially in the domain of common knowledge
> creation; and that this domain, where the cost of reproducing knowledge is
> near zero, requires fundamental changes in the intellectual property regime,
> as reflected by new forms such as the free software movement
> - that the principles developed by the free software movement, in
> particular the General Public License, provides for models that could be
> used in other areas of social and productive life
> - that it reconnects with the older traditions and attempts for a more
> cooperative social order, but this time obviates the need for
> authoritarianism and centralization; it has the potential of showing that
> the new egalitarian digital culture, is connected to the older traditions of
> cooperation of the workers and peasants, and to the search for an engaged
> and meaningful life as expressed in one’s work, which becomes an expression
> of individual and collective creativity, rather than as a salaried means of
> survival
> - that it offers youth a vision of renewal and hope, to create a world that
> is more in tune with their values; that it creates a new language and
> discourse in tune with the new historical phase of “cognitive capitalism”;
> P2P is a language which every “digital youngster” can understand. However,
> ‘peer to peer theory’ addresses itself not just to the network-enabled and
> to knowledge workers, but to the whole of civil society, and to whoever
> agrees that the core of decision-making should be located in civil society,
> and not in the market or in the state.
> - it combines subjectivity (new values), intersubjectivity (new relations),
> objectivity (an enabling technology) and interobjectivity (new forms of
> organization) that mutually strengthen each other in a positive feedback
> loop, and it is clearly on the offensive and growing, but lacking “political
> self-consciousness”. It is this form of awareness that the P2P Foundation
> wants to promote.
> The Foundation for P2P Alternatives would address the following issues:
> - P2P currently exists in discrete separate movements and projects but
> these different movements are often unaware of the common P2P ethos that
> binds them
> - thus, there is a need for a common initiative, which 1) brings
> information together; 2) connects people and mutually informs them 3)
> strives for integrative insights coming from the many subfields; 4) can
> organize events for reflection and action; 5) can educate people about
> critical and creative tools for world-making
> - the Foundation would be a matrix or womb which would inspire the creation
> and linking of other nodes active in the P2P field, organized around topics
> and common interests, locality, and any form of identity and organization
> which makes sense for the people involved
> Michel Bauwens
> The P2P Foundation is a registered institute founded in in Amsterdam,
> Netherlands.
> It’s local registered name is: Stichting Peer to Peer Alternatives, dossier
> nr: 34264847.
> ------------------------------
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Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Think thank:

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