[p2p-research] Fwd: Iceland as a free speech haven

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 6 20:34:09 CET 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Smári McCarthy <smari at fabfolk.com>
Date: 2010/2/7
Subject: Iceland as a free speech haven
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>, Samuel Rose <
samuel.rose at gmail.com>, "Paul B. Hartzog" <paulbhartzog at gmail.com>, Franz
Nahrada <f.nahrada at reflex.at>, Mamading Ceesay <mamading at gmail.com>, dougald
hine <writetodougald at gmail.com>, Eben Moglen <moglen at softwarefreedom.org>,
Philippe Vandenbroeck <pv at shiftn.com>, Phoebe Moore <pvm.doc at gmail.com>,
Elisabeth Ottilia Carlsson <elisabeth.carlsson at gmail.com>, Edmund Harriss <
edmund.harriss at mathematicians.org.uk>, james burke <lifesized at gmail.com>,
Arto Bendiken <arto at bendiken.net>, Dave Warner <davew at mindtel.com>, Dante
Monson <dante.monson at gmail.com>, Caroline Zeller <caroline.zeller at gmail.com>,
Bernard Lietaer <blietaer at earthlink.net>, David Levinger <david at auracp.com>,
Dmytri Kleiner <dk at trick.ca>, Gudjon Mar Gudjonsson <
gudjon at hugmyndaraduneytid.is>, Siert Wijnia <siert at protospace.nl>, Jeremie
Zimmermann <jz at laquadrature.net>, Sofia Bustamante <
sofia at turnupthecourage.com>, Vinay Gupta <hexayurt at gmail.com>

Hi all,

 In recent months a group of local and international people has been
working on an initiative here in Iceland to propose reforms in media-
and freedom of expression law, with the goal of creating the best
environment for publication in the world. The method has been to adopt
the strongest protective laws that exist in the world, such as the
Swedish press freedom law, the Belgian source- and communications
protection law, the New York Libel Terrorism Protection law, and so on,
and bundle them into a broad proposal.

 As the freedom of expression is constantly eroded, with recent
examples of a source secrecy ban in Ethiopia, a draconian data retention
policy being enacted in Belarus, and even in supposed liberal
democracies, laws such as the FRA law in Sweden, censorship lists in
various countries including Australia, Sweden and Norway, and more than
300 secret gag orders in the United Kingdom, the need for a place where
the right to know is guarded and the right to share knowledge is upheld
becomes ever greater.

 We have set up a website for this initiative, which is, while we
finish the final cleanups and such, closed, but it will be open soon.
Until then I invite you to preview it. I hope that you will share the
URL and credentials with trusted friends and contacts.

 Our goal is to get public endorsements from a number of international
organizations who believe this is generally a step in the right
direction. We have already received a few endorsements, including from
Wikileaks and Eva Joly. If your organization is willing to endorse the
proposal, I request that you let me know via e-mail. If you have a
comment of some sort, please let me know.


       user:   immi
       pass:   notforpublication

 Kind regards,

       Smári McCarthy

       Icelandic Digital Freedoms Society

       tel:    +354 662 2701
       e-mail: smari at fabfolk.com

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