[p2p-research] How do we communicate the value of the commons?

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 6 05:30:16 CET 2010

Hi Kevin,

I think you are on the right tack with your use/exchange value distinction

here's a framework I'm thinking of:

1) ways to calculate in which ways use value commons create exchange value
'around it'

2) finding ways to estimate the value of use value exchanges/gifts

3) finding ways to estimate the addition to well being contributed to 1 and

1 would be straightforward monetary estimations; for 2, you could use the
wealth typology developed by the open money movement (in my wiki, can look
up later), as well as look into all the new types of p2p metrics that have
been tried in the last few years (I have a delicious tag); for 3, there is a
whole tradition of global happiness metrics being developed (under the lead
of Bhutan and the GHN conferences)

I think you need to tackle this meta-level first, and that the first phase
of your research is actually about establishing a framework for measuring

I strongly urge you to have a collective intelligence gathering phase first,
using our own network, as we practically know all the people active in these
fields ...

Is this a one man research project your proposing, or something larger?


On Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Kevin Flanagan <kev.flanagan at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello All,
> Michel I hope your health has improved.
> Im writing a research proposal and Im a bit stuck my main interest is
> in exploring the value of the commons for the developing world. But Im
> getting hung up on that wonderful word 'value'.
> How do we measure the value of the commons? Is it only as a negative
> as savings and efficiencies in the monetary economy. I have a feeling
> that such a valuation in itself is flawed. Is it sufficient or
> appropriate to try and quantify the value of the commons in monetary
> terms? I guess I mean that with the knowledge commons the 'use' value
> is significant and primary while 'exchange' value is secondary (Im no
> economist so please correct me if this sounds ridiculous).
> If we are to look for support through the development of policy with
> governments and international bodies how should we communicate the
> importance of the commons if not in economic terms?
> Here is an extract from what Ive been writing.
> Today alternative commons based information economies exist alongside
> the monetary economy. They meet and feed into each other in different
> ways. Supporting and sustaining alternative economies based on the
> exchange of common goods today often depends on valuing the commons in
> terms of savings and financial efficiencies for the monetary economy.
> How do we value the freely shared digital commons in conventional
> economic terms is such a valuation even appropriate?
> The value of the commons can not be measured simply in economic terms,
> particularly in contexts beyond the capture of economic exchange. For
> example within the family where a mother better informed about healthy
> food chooses to improve the diet of her children or where a community
> better informed about the instabilities of the global markets can plan
> for community resilience. This is use value versus exchange value,
> this kind of value tends to remain invisible in economies that measure
> progress and wealth solely by GDP. If we are to find ways of
> protecting the commons we must also find ways of communicating this
> broader understanding of its value.
> How massive are the efficiencies facilitated by Information
> communication Technologies? if I took all my digital interactions for
> today, I find it hard to imagine what it might have taken to perform
> equivalent actions in lets say 1980.
> Best
> Kevin F
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