[p2p-research] Fwd: [fcforum] Fw: iPad DRM is a dangerous step backward. Sign the petition!

Andy Robinson ldxar1 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 16:34:57 CET 2010

Marco, you're still missing the points that:

1) you're only at risk of being 'starved for it' because the current system
is coercive, and

2) you're making a big leap that the abolition of copyright would destroy
any of these sources of income.

You must live a very un-intense life however, if you really would not 'throw
a tantrum' as you put it, at alterations which require you to change your
line of work.  It says very worrying things about the emotional status of
alienated society, that people don't care enough about what they spend most
of their time doing to be emotionally concerned about whether it continues
or not.  It fits quite well with the abstract concepts of bourgeois theory -
people who don't have desires and emotions, only 'interests' and
'preferences' - who might as well be simple computers performing
input-output loops within fixed parameters.  It's a gross misrepresentation
of how most human beings are, but it's a far worse indictment if a few
people have actually been reduced to this sorry state.

The only other thing I want to add, is that you're deploying a deeply
dangerous concept of 'society', as if it were a unitary thing which can have
'interests', be 'damaged', etc.  Society is a set of relations.  These
relations are diverse.  The people in the relations are diverse.  While a
particular relation or a particular person can be damaged, to speak of
'damage to society' is fallacious.  And dangerous, because it leads to
people being declared enemies of society.  The general good of society is
the cop in your head.
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