[p2p-research] Fwd: [fcforum] Fw: iPad DRM is a dangerous step backward. Sign the petition!

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 08:53:06 CET 2010

Hi Marco,

I understand entirely what you mean by the scarcity of time, and clearly in
our current context this is how we all experience it.

Nevertheless, for example here in Thailand, there are still a lot of people
living according to premodern logics, not accumulation oriented, including
people I observed closely in my wife's family.

For them, time is experienced as plentiful and abundant and not at all as
something that is 'objectively' scarce.

So, I'm not sure about Andy's meaning, I seemed to have missed that
exchange, but there is certainly an element of 'social construction' in the
experience and organisation of time.

I have a personal concept of integral time, i.e. there's is simple now time,
cylical time, linear time, and complex now time which integrates past and
future ... different social situations demand different time conceptions,
and an overall integral ability to use the right time at the right time, if
you get my drift <g>


On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 1:44 PM, M. Fioretti <mfioretti at nexaima.net> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 03, 2010 22:42:10 PM +0000, Andy Robinson (ldxar1 at gmail.com)
> wrote:
> > "secondly, it's a good habit to check online before judging people."
> >
> > Hence confirming: not a poet, not writing from experience, therefore
> positing
> > abstract self.  As I quite rightly stated at the start.
> I have the impression that, after being so lazy to not search by
> yourself online what I do for a living, you were also lazy enough to
> not read the link I gave you: http://mfioretti.com
> That page makes evident in a few seconds, to whoever bothers to
> actually read it, that while I am obviously not a poet, what I wrote
> in this thread does come from direct experience. I had already said
> twice "poetry OR". Even IF what I said were always false about poetry,
> it wouldn't be enough to prove that copyright makes no sense or that
> would still hurt society if it were reformed as I suggest.
> > Your first post in this thread stated that time is inherently scarce
> > and that people have to earn a living.  The imposition of an entire
> > social system is implicit in these statements.
> Gee, I had really never realized it before. Thanks!!! OK, let's say
> then that:
> 1) time IS inherently scarce and limited. that's a law of nature that
>   wouldn't change a bit if we didn't need to eat or if guaranteed
>   basic income became available worldwide. The time we spent in this
>   thread won't come back, it is lost for any other thing we could
>   have done with it
> 2) if and when basic income arrives, we'll be finally able to, or have
>   to rethink copyright and lots of other things. I fully agree on
>   that. Until that day, I see my analysis of the actual situation and
>   the copyright reform proposals (NOT abolition) that come out of it
>   having a much, much bigger potential to benefit society as a whole
>   than any speculation that you made in this thread (regardless of
>   their actual value).
> Generally speaking, I believe that if, in the last 20/30 years,
> intellectuals had spent in creating *mass* interest, understanding and
> support for a drastic reduction of copyright _duration_ (= one single
> practical topic, that everybody can understand, apply and approve)
> half the time they've spent in developing and explaining deep
> metaphysical analyses like the one you made here yesterday (AGAIN:
> regardless of the actual value of yours analyses, OK?) we'd have
> already solved the problem of artificial scarcity of music, school
> books or any other creative work.
>           Marco
> --
> The Online Loser Guide, 2010 edition:
> http://stop.zona-m.net/node/66
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