[p2p-research] Applying utility functions to humans considered harmful

Edward Miller embraceunity at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 04:24:43 CET 2010

I don't see what this has to do with utilitarianism. Utilitarianism makes
*ought* claims not *is* claims regarding utility functions. In other words,
we should act according to a defined utility function even if our brain's
reward system displays ethical inconsistency. As for what that utility
function is... now there is a can of worms.

That said, certainly we should not see humans as rational actors. Contrary
to that article, I don't believe there are any theories out there that can
sufficiently compensate for our bundled up ball of biases with sprinkles of

Most recently behavioral economics has made some progress by not assuming
rationality, which is in fact just a return to the roots, as Adam Smith and
others made no pretensions about human rationality. However, every other
social science never forgot about biases.... from marketing to management to
negotiation theory to sociology to psychology.

This shouldn't even have to be mentioned, though I speculate it is worth
mentioning simply to contradict the absurd claims of extreme capitalists.

Though, having a more refined view of cognitive biases enhances one's power,
and I don't think such knowledge must necessarily overturn ideological
beliefs. Indeed, many advertising execs see absolutely no contradiction
between free market fundamentalism and human irrationality as studied by
psychology. In fact, it only heightens their ability to commit economic

Ok, I exaggerate.... maybe.

Message: 6

Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2010 01:21:57 +0000

From: Ryan <rlanham1963 at gmail.com>

Subject: [p2p-research] Applying utility functions to humans

       considered      harmful

To: Peer-To-Peer Research List <p2presearch at listcultures.org>

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> For the utilitarians out there...

> Sent to you by Ryan via Google Reader: Applying utility functions to

humans considered harmful via lesswrong: What's new on 2/3/10

Submitted by Kaj_Sotala 19 comments

There's a lot of discussion on this site that seems to be assuming

(implicitly or explicitly) that it's meaningful to talk about the

utility functions of individual humans. I would like to question this

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