[p2p-research] Applying utility functions to humans considered harmful

Ryan rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 02:21:57 CET 2010

For the utilitarians out there...

Sent to you by Ryan via Google Reader: Applying utility functions to
humans considered harmful via lesswrong: What's new on 2/3/10
Submitted by Kaj_Sotala 19 comments
There's a lot of discussion on this site that seems to be assuming
(implicitly or explicitly) that it's meaningful to talk about the
utility functions of individual humans. I would like to question this

To clarify: I don't question that you couldn't, in principle, model a
human's preferences by building this insanely complex utility function.
But there's an infinite amount of methods by which you could model a
human's preferences. The question is which model is the most useful,
and which models have the least underlying assumptions that will lead
your intuitions astray.

Utility functions are a good model to use if we're talking about
designing an AI. We want an AI to be predictable, to have stable
preferences, and do what we want. It is also a good tool for building
agents that are immune to Dutch book tricks. Utility functions are a
bad model for beings that do not resemble these criteria.

To quote Van Gelder (1995):

Much of the work within the classical framework is mathematically
elegant and provides a useful description of optimal reasoning
strategies. As an account of the actual decisions people reach,
however, classical utility theory is seriously flawed; human subjects
typically deviate from its recommendations in a variety of ways. As a
result, many theories incorporating variations on the classical core
have been developed, typically relaxing certain of its standard
assumptions, with varying degrees of success in matching actual human
choice behavior.

Nevertheless, virtually all such theories remain subject to some
further drawbacks:

(1) They do not incorporate any account of the underlying motivations
that give rise to the utility that an object or outcome holds at a
given time.
(2) They conceive of the utilities themselves as static values, and can
offer no good account of how and why they might change over time, and
why preferences are often inconsistent and inconstant.
(3) They offer no serious account of the deliberation process, with its
attendant vacillations, inconsistencies, and distress; and they have
nothing to say about the relationships that have been uncovered between
time spent deliberating and the choices eventually made.

Curiously, these drawbacks appear to have a common theme; they all
concern, one way or another, temporal aspects of decision making. It is
worth asking whether they arise because of some deep structural feature
inherent in the whole framework which conceptualizes decision-making
behavior in terms of calculating expected utilities.

One model that attempts to capture actual human decision making better
is called decision field theory. (I'm no expert on this theory, having
encountered it two days ago, so I can't vouch for how good it actually
is. Still, even if it's flawed, it's useful for getting us to think
about human preferences in what seems to be a more realistic way.)
Here's a brief summary of how it's constructed from traditional utility
theory, based on Busemeyer & Townsend (1993). See the article for the
mathematical details, closer justifications and different failures of
classical rationality which the different stages explain.

Stage 1: Deterministic Subjective Expected Utility (SEU) theory.
Basically classical utility theory. Suppose you can choose between two
different alternatives, A and B. If you choose A, there is a payoff of
200 utilons with probability S1, and a payoff of -200 utilons with
probability S2. If you choose B, the payoffs are -500 utilons with
probability S1 and +500 utilons with probability S2. You'll choose A if
the expected utility of A, S1 * 200 + S2 * -200 is higher than the
expected utility of B, S1 * -500 + S2 * 500, and B otherwise.

Stage 2: Random SEU theory. In stage 1, we assumed that the
probabilities S1 and S2 stay constant across many trials. Now, we
assume that sometimes the decision maker might focus on S1, producing a
preference for action A. On other trials, the decision maker might
focus on S2, producing a preference for action B. According to random
SEU theory, the attention weight for variable Si is a continous random
variable, which can change from trial to trial because of attentional
fluctuations. Thus, the SEU for each action is also a random variable,
called the valence of an action. Deterministic SEU is a special case of
random SEU, one where the trial-by-trial fluctuation of valence is zero.

Stage 3: Sequential SEU theory. In stage 2, we assumed that one's
decision was based on just one sample of a valence difference on any
trial. Now, we allow a sequence of one or more samples to be
accumulated during the deliberation period of a trial. The attention of
the decision maker shifts between different anticipated payoffs,
accumulating weight to the different actions. Once the weight of one of
the actions reaches some critical threshold, that action is chosen.
Random SEU theory is a special case of sequential SEU theory, where the
amount of trials is one.

Consider a scenario where you're trying to make a very difficult, but
very important decisions. In that case, your inhibitory threshold for
any of the actions is very high, so you spend a lot of time considering
the different consequences of the decision before finally arriving to
the (hopefully) correct decision. For less important decisions, your
inhibitory threshold is much lower, so you pick one of the choices
without giving it too much thought.

Stage 4: Random Walk SEU theory. In stage 3, we assumed that we begin
to consider each decision from a neutral point, without any of the
actions being the preferred one. Now, we allow prior knowledge or
experiences to bias the initial state. The decision maker may recall
previous preference states, that are influenced in the direction of the
mean difference. Sequential SEU theory is a special case of random walk
theory, where the initial bias is zero.

Under this model, decisions favoring the status quo tend to be chosen
more frequently under a short time limit (low threshold), but a
superior decision is more likely to be chosen as the threshold grows.
Also, if previous outcomes have already biased decision A very strongly
over B, then the mean time to choose A will be short while the mean
time to choose B will be long.

Stage 5: Linear System SEU theory. In stage 4, we assumed that previous
experiences all contribute equally. Now, we allow the impact of a
valence difference to vary depending on whether it occurred early or
late (a primacy or recency effect). Each previous experience is given a
weight given by a growth-decay rate parameter. Random walk SEU theory
is a special case of linear system SEU theory, where the growth-decay
rate is set to zero.

Stage 6: Approach-Avoidance Theory. In stage 5, we assumed that, for
example, the average amount of attention given to the payoff (+500)
only depended on event S2. Now, we allow the average weight to be
affected by a another variable, called the goal gradient. The basic
idea is that the attractiveness of a reward or the aversiveness of a
punishment is a decreasing function of distance from the point of
commitment to an action. If there is little or no possibility of taking
an action, its consequences are ignored; as the possibility of taking
an action increases, the attention to its consequences increases as
well. Linear system theory is a special case of approach-avoidance
theory, where the goal gradient parameter is zero.

There are two different goal gradients, one for gains and rewards and
one for losses or punishments. Empirical research suggests that the
gradient for rewards tends to be flatter than that for punishments. One
of the original features of approach-avoidance theory was the
distinction between rewards versus punishments, closely corresponding
to the distinction of positively versus negatively framed outcomes made
by more recent decision theorists.

Stage 7: Decision Field Theory. In stage 6, we assumed that the time
taken to process each sampling is the same. Now, we allow this to
change by introducing into the theory a time unit h, representing the
amount of time it takes to retrieve and process one pair of anticipated
consequences before shifting attention to another pair of consequences.
If h is allowed to approach zero in the limit, the preference state
evolves in an approximately continous manner over time.
Approach-avoidance is a spe... you get the picture.

Now, you could argue that all of the steps above are just artifacts of
being a bounded agent without enough computational resources to
calculate all the utilities precisely. And you'd be right. And maybe
it's meaningful to talk about the "utility function of humanity" as the
outcome that occurs when a CEV-like entity calculated what we'd decide
if we could collapse Decision Field Theory back into Deterministic SEU
Theory. Or maybe you just say that all of this is low-level mechanical
stuff that gets included in the "probability of outcome" computation of
classical decision theory. But which approach do you think gives us
more useful conceptual tools in talking about modern-day humans?

You'll also note that even DFT (or at least the version of it
summarized in a 1993 article) assumes that the payoffs themselves do
not change over time. Attentional considerations might lead us to
attach a low value to some outcome, but if we were to actually end up
in that outcome, we'd always value it the same amount. This we know to
be untrue. There's probably some even better way of looking at human
decision making, one which I suspect might be very different from
classical decision theory.

So be extra careful when you try to apply the concept of a utility
function to human beings.

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