[p2p-research] Fwd: [fcforum] Fw: iPad DRM is a dangerous step backward. Sign the petition!

Andy Robinson ldxar1 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 23:42:10 CET 2010

*"secondly, it's a good habit to check online before judging people."*

Hence confirming: not a poet, not writing from experience, therefore
positing abstract self.  As I quite rightly stated at the start.

I judge arguments, not people.  You're the one who started personalising

*"this is an approach that doesn't exclude difference."*

Perhaps - but the exclusion of difference arises from the
argument-from-experience approach.  Your last email effectively dismissed
everything I said, on the grounds that it was too abstract whereas yours was
experiential and down-to-earth.  I have exposed this as an ideological
fallacy.  It remains an ideological fallacy, however annoyed you get.

*"I didn't deny for one moment the concreteness and
legitimacy and freedom of everybody else to do what they want."*

Do I need to explain the idea of logical implications?

Your first post in this thread stated that time is inherently scarce and
that people have to earn a living.  The imposition of an entire social
system is implicit in these statements.

And if you don't like being ideology-critiqued, maybe you should think twice
before getting people's backs up by calling them names like 'zealot'.   :-)

On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 10:23 PM, M. Fioretti <mfioretti at nexaima.net> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 03, 2010 21:48:09 PM +0000, Andy Robinson (ldxar1 at gmail.com)
> wrote:
> > 'The claim to be non-ideological, to be a direct expression of
> experience, is
> > the ideological gesture par excellence' (Slavoj Zizek).
> I said I am being concrete. It doesnt' esclude ideological.
> > You can choose to submerge yourself in this ideological
> > performativity and refuse to question its basic assumptions and
> > perspectival biases - but by doing so, you lose the ability to
> > engage with difference.
> Not at all. When it comes to copyright (that's the only part of "IP" I
> meant to talk about when I stepped in this thread and yes, not making
> this clear from the beginning is my fault) my position is
> - current copyright is terribly screwed up.
> - this said, copyright as compensation for _authors_ or _performers_
>  for their consumption of a very limited resource, ie their own time,
>  if they want such a compensation of course, is good and even needed,
>  in many practical cases, to maximize production of useful/meaningful
>  creative works.
> - as long as copyright lasts say ten years from publication and has
>  quite a stricter scope than it has today
> this is an approach that doesn't exclude difference. In a system like
> this, the majority of works in any given field and moment would be in
> the public domain (ie the opposite of what happens today), and
> everybody could freely decide wether to keep full copyright, going CC
> or just release directly in the public domain with much less
> consequences for society as a whole than it happens today. Aren't you
> sure you aren't the one who wants to eliminate difference and go
> monological, coercive and so on?
> > The challenge is to realise that other perspectives also come from
> > experiences, immediacies, actual connections in the world...  that
> > indigenous shamans, autonomous social movement activists,
> > impoverished unsuccessful artists and people playing music in bars
> > in their 'free' time all exist in the real world and that their
> > experiences have just as much concreteness and legitimacy as your
> > own.
> The only challenge here is for you to step down the pulpit and
> acknowledge that I didn't deny for one moment the concreteness and
> legitimacy and freedom of everybody else to do what they want. I do
> accept difference.
> > You do mean an abstract self, because I very much doubt that you
> > have actually sat down for five days to 'research and test stuff'
> > and out of it written a poem for which you have received
> > remuneration.
> Or maybe you do mean to not be taken seriously and be simply ignored
> from now on. First of all, please note I said "(e.g. poetry) OR":
> > > "If it takes me, say, five full days to research and test stuff in
> > > order to write something that gives one million people emotions
> > > (e.g. poetry) or, much more prosaically, teaches them in twenty
> > > minutes how to do something they need to do
> secondly, it's a good habit to check online before judging people. Had
> you bothered to use a search engine, you'd have found and read why I
> said "abstract and theoretical my foot" in less time than it took you
> to type this last message: http://mfioretti.com
>   'night
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