[p2p-research] Fwd: [fcforum] Fw: iPad DRM is a dangerous step backward. Sign the petition!

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 21:29:34 CET 2010


I think what you are espousing is a pretty vanilla form of anarchy.  I'm not
going to convince you to change that obviously.  Maybe you'll convince
someone else here of find those on a similar path.  But it isn't a path that
most people are going to accept or find compelling.  For me, P2P is about
meaningful impact and being compelling.  Others have other agendas.

I like living in a world of laws, modes of change and liberties.  I also
like living in a world of human rights.  I am more that willing to subscribe
to US views of rights or those of the Human Rights Convention.  Both suit me
just fine.  Do they go far enough?  No.  But that's the level where society
is comfortable.  I cannot determine what I think laws ought to be and then
just act as if that is the case.  Anarchists believe such approaches are
desirable.  I don't.  It hasn't worked in the many dozens of times it has
been tried, and it won't work anytime soon.  So, it really is a theoretical
discussion.  The older I get, the less interested in those I am.  I like
things that matter.
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