[p2p-research] Information sector: a qualitative different mode of production?

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Fri Dec 31 20:32:07 CET 2010

Roberto Verzola wrote:
> today's ICTs represent a qualitatively different *mode* of production
> the Internet requires a tangible infrastructure, such as a
> network of servers, routers, satellites, undersea cables, modems,
> transceivers, computers, CD readers/burners, etc. etc.

Would you say it matters who owns and therefore controls these Means
of Production?

If so, then, in your opinion, who would, ideally, those owners be?

1.) Should it be the Workers who manufacture, install, maintain and
improve them?

2.) Should it be the End-Users who want them enough to pay for them?

3.) Should it be some combination of those?

4.) Should it be the currently corrupt governments?

5.) Should it be the fuedalists that already own them, and we should
just beg them to do the right thing?

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