[p2p-research] [Commoning] - Re: ?ce

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 31 18:14:05 CET 2010

it helps to see wider social relations, if we use fine distinctions about
the modalities of production to start with, and to see the finer shades of
the polarities between scarcity and abundance, as Roberto has done

similarly, making those distinctions disappear in an abstract vision of
'wider social relations' may have the effect of losing sight of those
important distinctions

so both are needed, and I'm sure Roberto, given what I have read, has NOT
lost sight of either of them; he may be many things that I don't know, but a
'crude marxist' he is almost certainly not,


On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 8:17 PM, j.martin.pedersen <
m.pedersen at lancaster.ac.uk> wrote:

> On 31/12/10 06:04, Roberto Verzola wrote:
> >
> >> Does the tree not drink water, does it not grow in soil that was stolen
> >> from the native people, does your friend not labour to care for it at
> >> all?
> >>
> > Trees normally don't need human care to bear fruits. But people can do
> > so if it makes them happy.
> I think that almost all important fruit trees known to the human kind
> are results of intergenerational efforts of selective breeding,
> transporting and sustained care. Even tribal people in a rain forest,
> even though it is difficult to see, often intervene into the forest,
> aiding some plants, freeing up space for them to grow better, offering
> them sacrifices.
> I think that topsoil needs human care to be lush and fat and in
> continuous good condition for trees to bear nice fruit.
> Unless we disconnect ourselves from the past and the future, and
> disregard wider social relations in favour of an objective view of
> separate objects in nature and laboratories, the qualitative differences
> between agricultural, industrial (those have merged in the era where
> they have been vuiewed in that manner) and digital production (which is
> very industrial) is not something that strikes me as of primary importance.
> It is almost a crude marxist perspective to focus primarily on the
> isolated process of production in these respects, and not primarily on a
> much wider set of social relations.
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