[p2p-research] - Re: [Commoning] �ce

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Thu Dec 30 19:15:34 CET 2010

j.martin.pedersen wrote:
> Does the tree not drink water, does it not grow in soil that was stolen
> from the native people, does your friend not labour to care for it at all?

Yes, that is why I used the term "Zero *MARGINAL* Cost" just as those
who talk about the "abundance of digital reproduction".

In other words, the "abundance of *organic* reproduction" is no different
in terms of real costs to our planet and as to the labor required.

I am trying to point out, as I think you are, there is no such thing as
"Immaterial Production", no matter which sphere is being considered.

Now I expect someone will say
  "Of course there are real costs, nobody is denying that!".

But terms like "Zero Marginal Cost" and "Immaterial Production" and
even "Free" confuse the conversation and lead many to believe the
implied claim is that those costs are simply not important.

Another very common theme in these discussions is that the
economics of this production is now very different from the
past - as though the underlying Mode of Production and ownership
of the Means of Production is no longer an issue.

This mixes-in with the dreamy visions of self-replicating robots that
will save us from ourselves, even though organisms (used to be)
self-replicating, solar-powered, food manufacturing plants (Monsanto
is putting an end to this, of course, since Profit requires Scarcity).

Patrick Anderson
Social Sufficiency Coalition

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