[p2p-research] status update on netsukuku?

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 27 08:04:56 CET 2010

This is great Jaromil, thanks a lot!!

On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 1:55 PM, jaromil <jaromil at dyne.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> re all,
> On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 08:04:03AM +0700, Michel Bauwens wrote:
> > Can someone help john with an update on the status of netsukuku?
> ok.
> since the website gives enough theoretical background which i guess
> made you interested, i'll just give an update on the technical status
> here and include crash in my mailout, one of its original developers.
> at its beginnning, the development of netsukuku's (NTK) first
> implementation was in C language, drafting of requests for comments
> was lead by Alpt, who also wrote most of its current code, and Crash
> (in CC: to this mail), condensing various brainstorms held within our
> network, mostly at the Hinezumi labs and Freaknet labs and at annual
> Hackmeeting gatherings in the past 10 years.
> NTK was written twice: the second rewrite involved a reimplementation
> of most of its logics in python language to take advantage of its
> specific features.
> this is an overview of current NTK RFCs
>  http://lab.dyne.org/Netsukuku_RFC
> and this is its code repository
>  http://code.hinezumi.org/browser/netsukuku
> below is Alpt's last message on the NTK list, dated jan 2009:
>  While currently there are many dynamic routing protocols, most are
>  capable of managing networks composed by a maximum of few hundred
>  nodes. The project here proposed regards the further development of
>  Netsukuku [1], a protocol that has been designed to build an ad-hoc
>  network scalable up to 2^32 nodes, completely distributed and
>  decentralised, anonymous and autonomous.  The software, which must be
>  executed by every node of the network, is unobtrusive.  Since it uses
>  very few CPU and memory resources, it is possible to run it inside
>  low-performance computers, like access points, embedded devices and
>  old computers.  For these reasons, Netsukuku and wireless
>  technologies can be easily used to build worldwide distributed and
>  anonymous networks, without the support of any servers or ISPs.
>  [1] Description of Netsukuku by Wikipedia:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsukuku
>  Even though the software relative to the main theory and to the
>  distributed P2P service management over the Netsukuku network has
>  been already implemented , there are still many issues to be
>  addressed. During the Winter Camp the Netsukuku developers will focus
>  on one of the following tasks:
>  1. accurate study, tests and enhancement of the performance of the
>    Netsukuku addressing system
>  2. stable implementation of the Netsukuku software
>  3. software implementation of ANDNA: a distributed, non hierarchical
>    and decentralised system of hostname management;
>  4. experimental tests
> since then, apparently Alpt has left development to continue his
> studies in Cambridge. however, as you can see, NTK is a project many
> more people is involved and in which a swarm of valuable collective
> knowledge, passionate and well motivated by contingent urgency, has
> been invested through the years.. its mailinglist is active (but we
> don't have an active refresh of its web archive, unfortunately) and
> its development is mostly participated by italian and russian hackers.
> actually, despite most NTK documentation was written in spaghetti
> english (by italians) nowadays many updated translations are available
> in russian. we have no detailed information on how and where NTK and
> derivatives of its algorithms are being used in russia, however we
> have good reasons to think it is being researched and useful in a
> number of projects. i'd be happy to hear if you find out more.
> to conclude: besides testing (see howto in attach) mantainance should
> be reactivated on NTK. both me and crash, knowing well the codebase
> and developers, can be active on it. while we'll have a meeting in
> january, any news about investements focusing on development of NTK is
> very welcome to us now and we'd be more than happy to coordinate a
> documented distribution of resources towards people involved: securing
> financial resources is crucial for us in this phase, to dedicate our
> time to social development rather than survive on stupid jobs.
> > On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 3:56 AM, <john.varga at nomura.com> wrote:
> >
> > >  Just read up on this.. sounds intriguing.. when will alpha or
> > > betaversions be available to test ? Also , imo, for broad public
> > > consumption, netsukuku , which is a bit tough to roll off the
> > > tongue, may be better served if shortened to “*netsu *” , say..
> ATM its shortened with the acronym NTK (also in dev docus)
> but you are right the *netsu* -fix sounds good :^)
> ciao!
> - --
> jaromil, dyne.org developer, http://jaromil.dyne.org
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