[p2p-research] Fwd: real-world economics review - Issue no. 55

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 27 00:41:43 CET 2010

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From: real-world economics review <pae_news at btinternet.com>
Date: Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 2:27 AM
Subject: real-world economics review - Issue no. 55
To: michelsub2004 <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

     sanity, humanity and science

 * real-world * * economics review *

 Formerly the *post-autistic economics review                *  ISSN

 Issue no. 55, 17 December 2010            back issues at  * www.paecon.net
 * Subscribers:  * * 11, 928 * *  from over 150 countries * *
 * * recent issues: *   54
53 <http://www.feedblitz.com/t2.asp?/332386/8347871/3938242/http://www.paecon.net/PAEReview/issue53/whole53.pdf>
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 *You can download the whole issue as a pdf document by clicking   here

*  *

* In this issue:  *

*   *

 * The use and abuse of mathematical economics
   * 2

 Michael Hudson      *  download pdf

     * What is (wrong with) economic theory?
 *        23

     Lars Pålsson Syll               * download pdf *

    *  Reforming the international monetary system
  *         58
Jane D’Arista and Korkut Erturk               * download pdf *

    *   *

     * U.S. *        * “quantitative easing” is fracturing the global
economy                           *        82        *   *

     Michael Hudson               * download pdf *

* Dubious assumptions of the theory of comparative advantate
 *  94

 Ian Fletcher     *  download pdf

*   *

 * Why did Dutch economists get it so wrong?
 * 106

 Merijn Knibbe      *  download pdf

* *

 * If Herman Daly has a better plan, let’s hear it
 * 120

 Richard Smith      *  download pdf

*   *

*  Adam Smith’s view of slaves as property:
  *  124
 A response to Thomas Wells and Bruce Elmslie

 Marvin T. Brown      *  download pdf

*   *

 Past Contributors, etc.

*   *

Instant comments.   * You may, now or later, post comments on individual
papers in this issue on the *  Real-World Economics Review Blog
* , [ http://rwer.wordpress.com/
].  Each paper has its own blog post where you may leave and read comments.
You will find each paper’s comment link at the beginning and end of the
paper, or go to the blog’s homepage.

* ____________________________________________________________________________________________

 The *  Real-World Economics Review Blog
*is one year old.  It features 12 posts per week by contributors to this
journal and high-level comments.  1147 people follow the blog via Twitter at

* ____________________________________________________________________________________________

*   *

*  Help secure the future of the Real-World Economics Review  *  *


 The *Real-World Economics Review* now has nearly 12,000 subscribers. Each
year it publishes papers totalling more than 250,000 words.  Nearly one
million copies of the Review’s papers are now downloaded per year. The *
Review* also maintains the recently launched *Real-World Economics
Review*Blog and the non-journal pages of
www.paecon.net.   All these services – which are aimed at developing a
post-neoclassical mainstream – have been provided completely free of charge
to the economics profession and its students and also, with a couple of tiny
exceptions, without any advertising revenue.  But in order to continue these
services at their present level donations are now needed.  Please consider
making a donation today – it will take only a couple of minutes of your
time. *  Click here to donate
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Just $10 will help.



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