[p2p-research] Choosing the copyfarleft for the P2P Foundation coop

Alexandre Dulaunoy a at foo.be
Fri Dec 24 12:42:57 CET 2010

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 7:52 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I propose to use this license for our p2pfoundation coop 'added value' work,
> though I do not like the 'name' and have objections for work that needs
> really broad distribution, I think the notion that only other peer producers
> can re-use the added value material, has validity,
> see http://p2pfoundation.net/Copyfarleft
> Dmytri, how many other people are using this license, if any,
> I wouldn't mind being a pioneer in this,

IMHO, the license is just another proprietary license and by so
limiting potential relation in an networked information economy.
The restrictions mentioned in section 4[1] is excluding everyone
as NC (non-commercial)  terminology is just impossible
to be carefully defined.

I don't know what's the "added value" works are but I would
suggest to see how those works are in the perspective of
the Chapter 4, "The Economics of Social Production" from
the book of Yochai Benkler and see really if the "added value"
works really need a proprietary license or won't be more
beneficial for the foundation to release them as free works.

Just an idea,


[1] http://p2pfoundation.net/Peer_Production_License#4._RESTRICTIONS

--                   Alexandre Dulaunoy (adulau) -- http://www.foo.be/
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--         "Knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance
--                                that we can solve them" Isaac Asimov

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