[p2p-research] Choosing the copyfarleft for the P2P Foundation coop

magius gmagius at gmail.com
Fri Dec 24 03:17:16 CET 2010

Imho there's a big problem in that approach. The power structure
actually is based on unequality. And to change this, you need to "use"
the power of enemies, because you have no much power to oppose to such
strong enemies. That's the lesson from GNU/GPL.  Freesoftware is a
winner because the license could be used by the little independent
coder and at the same time by the big corp. But both need to respect
the license specifications. And both can contribute if they
redistribute the code freely. So the power of the big corp is
collectivized. If you restrict the access only to them with ethical
guarantees, you loose the "brute" power of big corps. You probably
know that Linux powers both medical tools to save lives and weapons'
systems to kill them. A big contraddiction perhaps. But based on the
analysis of unequality of power.

2010/12/23 Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>:
> I propose to use this license for our p2pfoundation coop 'added value' work,
> though I do not like the 'name' and have objections for work that needs
> really broad distribution, I think the notion that only other peer producers
> can re-use the added value material, has validity,
> see http://p2pfoundation.net/Copyfarleft
> Dmytri, how many other people are using this license, if any,
> I wouldn't mind being a pioneer in this,
> Michel
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