[p2p-research] UPDATE on peer production license, reposted from facebook

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 24 02:20:43 CET 2010

Michel Bauwens <http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens>
Hi Dmytri Kleiner <http://www.facebook.com/dmytri.kleiner>: I'm seriously
considering, offerred it for discussion today on the p2p research and p2p
coop list, to use your license for the new p2p foundation coop ... I don't
like the name, but I think the basic logic is right for certain
circumstances, such as ours ...
*Copyfarleft - P2P Foundation <http://p2pfoundation.net/Copyfarleft>*
‎"The main argument advanced in the essay is that artists can not earn a
living from exclusivity of "intellectual property" and that that neither
copyleft licenses like the GPL, nor "copyjustright" frameworks such as the
creative commons, can help."
18 hours ago <http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens/posts/113672478704148> · Like
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   - Bruce Kunkel <http://www.facebook.com/bruce.kunkel1> likes this.
      - <http://www.facebook.com/kragen>
      Kragen Javier Sitaker <http://www.facebook.com/kragen> Sigh. Is there
      a really compelling reason to proliferate more licenses?
      17 hours ago · LikeUnlike
      - <http://www.facebook.com/dmytri.kleiner>
      Dmytri Kleiner <http://www.facebook.com/dmytri.kleiner>
      ‎(reposted from email)
      Hey Michel, that would be great. "copyfarleft" is a type of license,
      like "copyleft" is, there is neither a license called copyfarleft nor
      one called copyleft. There are specific licenses that implement
both types;
      ... many that implement Copylet, i.e. GPL, CCBYSA, etc, and so far
      only one that implements copyfarleft, that is the "Peer
Production License"
      published in the Telekommunist Manifesto, which itself a fork of the
      Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial license with clauses
added that
      explicitly allows commons-based and non-profit commercial use.

      It would be really cool if the P2P foundation used the Peer Production
      License, as far as I know the only work that currently uses the
      license is the Telekommunist Manifesto itself.See More
      15 hours ago · LikeUnlike
      - <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=671176264>
      Chris Cook <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=671176264>
      I think the key to 'common source' is to create a
      consensual/reciprocal agreement, and anyone who agrees with it is free to
      join or not.

      Within the framework of this agreement members agree to share the use
      value - if any - created in respec...t of 'intellectual property' held
      by a 'custodian' member.

      As Bentham pointed out, Property is not in fact an Object but a

      It is the bundle of rights and obligations which link the subject
      individual to the object asset, in this case 'knowledge'
(defined widely as
      data representations and patterns of all kinds).

      The outcome is essentially a new 'co-ownership' (as between capital
      and labour) property right of indefinite duration which is encapsulated
      within an interactive/consensual/mutual/reciprocal agreement.

      ie we will see 'legal XM'L linking not only disparate enterprises -
      including sole traders, and every other legal form conceivable, including
      government - but also jurisdictions, rather than disparate hardware and

      I think Dmytri is spot on in principle, but conventional legal forms,
      whether Statute=Public and Corporation=Private defeat him in practice.See
      11 hours ago · LikeUnlike
      - <http://www.facebook.com/dmytri.kleiner>
      Dmytri Kleiner <http://www.facebook.com/dmytri.kleiner> Hi Chris, I'm
      unable to follow your comments here. This note is on weather the P2P
      foundation should use the Peer Production License that I published as a
      model for Copyfarleft, as opposed to a plain non commercial or simple
      copyleft license, for example. Not sure what you are proposing
or opposing
      11 hours ago · LikeUnlike
      - <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=671176264>
      Chris Cook <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=671176264> I'm
      proposing integrating the licence into the overall enterprise
model through
      using a partnership-based agreement as a 'framework' within
which the use of
      the IP, and the fruits of use if any) are shared in whatever way
the members
      8 hours ago · LikeUnlike
      - <http://www.facebook.com/dmytri.kleiner>
      Dmytri Kleiner <http://www.facebook.com/dmytri.kleiner> Sure, I have
      no opinion on how the P2P foundation should be structured as an
      organization, and am generally favourable towards the partnership-based
      models you propose. Not sure how this factors into the choice of license,
      but the copyfarleft model would work for any type organisation, even the
      kinds it denies free-access too.
      8 hours ago · LikeUnlike
      - <http://www.facebook.com/dmytri.kleiner>
      Dmytri Kleiner <http://www.facebook.com/dmytri.kleiner> Just to be
      clear, the advantages of a copyfarleft license for the P2P foundation is
      that the license denies free access to most for-profit organisations, but
      allows commercial use to collectives, co-operates, non-profits
etc. Neither
      copyleft nor copyleft non commercial does exactly that.
      8 hours ago · LikeUnlike
      - <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=671176264>
      Chris Cook <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=671176264>
      I'm not proposing an organisational form.

      I'm proposing an agreement or protocol - a consensual cross border
      agreement LINKING individuals and Organisations, and embodying
agreement in
      relation to use (ie a licence) and payments for use.........

      It's a paradigm shift, and either the penny drops, or it doesn't.

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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