[p2p-research] Fwd: ICC - videos, Remix the Commons video series

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 23 04:14:46 CET 2010



You can now access the series of short video interviews  made during the
Berlin IC
Conference in November at  http://www.vimeo.com/user5449180/videos.

They will soon be available also on Youtube, dailymotion and blip.tv.

These videos are part of the  edited takes that will be uploaded to the
platform along with stock shot footage of the Berlin conference
and  other videos and images from different sources. The collaborative
remixthecommons.org projec <http://www.remixthecommons.org/>t  is presently
under construction and will be fully
operational in a few months.

In the meantime, these videos are public and are a contribution to the
final reports and to documenting the important event you organized
in Berlin. You can embed them on your own sites, circulate them to the
conference participants ... and are encouraged to
remix them.

A few words of introduction:
You will see  two different series:

1) Define The Commons/ Définir le Bien Commun / Definir el Procomùn:
edited versions of short definitions of the Commons given by different
interviewees in their respective language.
There are three versions of different lengths
Define the Commons / Définir le Bien Commun / Definir el Procomùn I
length 1,30 mn Define the Commons / Définir le Bien Commun / Definir el
Procomùn II
length 3mn Define the Commons / Définir le Bien Commun / Definir el Procomùn
length 16mn

2) Framing the Commons in Berlin:  a series of  9 separate longer  (but
short - up to 9 mn) interviews with  Silke Helfrich, David Bollier,
Michel Bauwens, Julio Lambing, Beatriz Busaniche, Frédéric Sultan,
Valérie Peugeot, Rosa Maria Fernanda and Alberto Acosta, Hervé Le Crosnier.

All the interviews are in their original language,  The short versions
of 'Define the Commons' (1.30 and 3 mn) in multiple languages are meant to
illustrate the plurality of cultures as well
the plurality of definitions.

According to the spirit of the remixthecommons project, each
viewer/participant is invited to use the material to create his /her own
version with subtitles.
Here is a link to a resource for preparing different language versions:

I hope you will find this material useful to help document and appraise the
exciting moment we shared in Berlin.  Viewing and editing the material from
the interviews has convinced me more than ever of the immense potential and
enthusiasm this movement can generate.

Alain Ambrosi Chercheur Associé Communautique<http://www.communautique.qc.ca/>
remixthecommons,org <http://www.remixthecommons.org/>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Silke Helfrich <Silke.Helfrich at gmx.de>
Date: Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 9:44 AM
Subject: ICC - videos
To: Silke Helfrich <Silke.Helfrich at gmx.de>

 Dear ICC participants,

there is a message I received shortly after my supposedly last e-mail,
written by Alain Ambrosi who joined us with his camera team at ICC,
I simply copy it to share it with all of you.  Thanks a lot Alain for
sharing this incredible video production in several languages on the commons
and the debates on ICC!

As a reminder (for those who did not yet join the the vivid post-ICC
conversation, which is going on at  the Commoning e-mail list,
Please find general information about the mailing list at

You are cordially invited to subsribe!

Very best
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you

Silke Helfrich



You can now access the series of short video interviews  made during the
Berlin IC
Conference in November at  http://www.vimeo.com/user5449180/videos.

They will soon be available also on Youtube, dailymotion and blip.tv.

These videos are part of the  edited takes that will be uploaded to the
platform along with stock shot footage of the Berlin conference
and  other videos and images from different sources. The collaborative
remixthecommons.org projec <http://www.remixthecommons.org/>t  is presently
under construction and will be fully
operational in a few months.

In the meantime, these videos are public and are a contribution to the
final reports and to documenting the important event you organized
in Berlin. You can embed them on your own sites, circulate them to the
conference participants ... and are encouraged to
remix them.

A few words of introduction:
You will see  two different series:

1) Define The Commons/ Définir le Bien Commun / Definir el Procomùn:
edited versions of short definitions of the Commons given by different
interviewees in their respective language.
There are three versions of different lengths
Define the Commons / Définir le Bien Commun / Definir el Procomùn I
length 1,30 mn Define the Commons / Définir le Bien Commun / Definir el
Procomùn II
length 3mn Define the Commons / Définir le Bien Commun / Definir el Procomùn
length 16mn

2) Framing the Commons in Berlin:  a series of  9 separate longer  (but
short - up to 9 mn) interviews with  Silke Helfrich, David Bollier,
Michel Bauwens, Julio Lambing, Beatriz Busaniche, Frédéric Sultan,
Valérie Peugeot, Rosa Maria Fernanda and Alberto Acosta, Hervé Le Crosnier.

All the interviews are in their original language,  The short versions
of 'Define the Commons' (1.30 and 3 mn) in multiple languages are meant to
illustrate the plurality of cultures as well
the plurality of definitions.

According to the spirit of the remixthecommons project, each
viewer/participant is invited to use the material to create his /her own
version with subtitles.
Here is a link to a resource for preparing different language versions:

I hope you will find this material useful to help document and appraise the
exciting moment we shared in Berlin.  Viewing and editing the material from
the interviews has convinced me more than ever of the immense potential and
enthusiasm this movement can generate.

Alain Ambrosi Chercheur Associé Communautique<http://www.communautique.qc.ca/>
remixthecommons,org <http://www.remixthecommons.org/>

PS: For technical reasons (over the week upload limit) the interview with
Michel will be on Vimeo only next week but you can find it on Youtube at
http://www.youtube.com/user/Remixthecommons  (tu m'excuseras Michel ?)

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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