[p2p-research] FW: [NetBehaviour] When Free Software Sucks

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 06:47:38 CET 2010

On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 11:07 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton
<dennis.hamilton at acm.org> wrote:
>  1. The Zimbra ZPL 1.3 appears to satisfy the Open Source Definition and
> applies to the Zimbra product that is identified as freely downloadable and
> open-source (though not all of the products are so available).  ZPL 1.3 is
> not reciprocal and apparently not GPL compatible (although the freedom to
> modify and have free access to the source code is provided for).


A couple of the many arguments along the lines of what I am talking about

>  2. I've never seen an Atlassian claim that any of their products are
> open-source, so I am not sure what brings them to this list.

I could be wrong, thought they were doing something similar to zimbra.
perhaps not

>  3. Pentaho seems to use "Open Source" as adjectival seasoning on every
> service and product they offer.  I didn't dig deeper.

is worth reading

>  4. Not sure if Socialtext was ever open source.  They apparently had a
> Community Edition license that was not satisfactory in terms of attribution
> requirements and I don't know if it qualified under the Open Software
> Definition otherwise.

https://www.socialtext.net/open/?socialtext_open they used to be, but deprecated

>  5. OpenFire has their GPL 2.0 License in plain sight on their download
> pages so I don't know what the beef is there.  The source code seems fully
> available, though I didn't complete the download that I requested to see
> what is included in detail.  OpenFire also uses a public, open standard
> (XMPP) which is nice to see.

Openfire *is* F/LOSS, you are correct as far as I can see, and I am
just behind on the times on this one (which used to have a psuedo open
source license, but apparently went fully F/LOSS over a year ago. They
used to be an example of what I am talking about if I can recall

>  - Dennis

Sam Rose
Future Forward Institute and Forward Foundation
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
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email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

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