[p2p-research] FW: [NetBehaviour] When Free Software Sucks

Michael Gurstein gurstein at gmail.com
Mon Dec 20 21:25:57 CET 2010

I'm not sure if this below has been discussed below here or not...


-----Original Message-----
From: netbehaviour-bounces at netbehaviour.org
[mailto:netbehaviour-bounces at netbehaviour.org] On Behalf Of Rob Myers
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 2:59 AM
To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
Subject: [NetBehaviour] When Free Software Sucks


"For open source, poor-quality software is a problem to be explained 
away or a reason to eschew the software altogether. For free software, 
it is a problem to be worked through. For free software advocates, 
glitches and missing features are never a source of shame. Any piece of 
free software that respects users' freedom has a strong inherent 
advantage over a proprietary competitor that does not. Even if it has 
other issues, free software always has freedom.


A second, perhaps even more damning, fact is that the collaborative, 
distributed, peer-review development process at the heart of the 
definition of open source bears little resemblance to the practice of 
software development in the vast majority of projects under free (or 
"open source") licenses." _______________________________________________
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