[p2p-research] [ciresearchers] Yahoo shutting down delicious!

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Mon Dec 20 16:27:21 CET 2010

Michel Bauwens wrote:
> if we are creating the value, why is it that
> neither governance nor financial benefits flow to us ...

Because we won't own the physical infrastructure, of course.

> such resources have both a commodity aspect (selling attention), a
> governance aspect (who controls the platform), and a knowledge commons
> aspect (the community of participants creating universally available shared
> knowledge).

The "community of participants" could easily control the platform if
they would take the burden of ownership upon their collective

> to shortly answer the public/commons aspect: my feeling is that commons
> really means, belongs to all, as opposed to the public, which means, belongs
> to a separate entity that claims to represent all ..

I agree this is a delicate and difficult to describe differentiation.

How about a small group that buys Physical Sources needed to host such
production, but has a policy which guarantees all late-comers also
gain real (divisible) co-ownership?

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