[p2p-research] "We need more megalopolises"

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Mon Dec 20 12:42:43 CET 2010

On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 12:25:24 PM +0100, Christian Siefkes
(christian at siefkes.net) wrote:

> M. Fioretti wrote:
>> I think a some point where cities become too big to function
>> properly, so "more megalopolises" (instead of just "more towns and
>> cities") sounds more than doubtful. However, there can be little
>> doubt that life in cities is generally more energy- and
>> resource-efficient than rural life (shorter distances, more public
>> transport, less heating per person required etc.).  Any sustainable
>> society will require a high degree of urbanization.
> Sadly, the article to cite is locked behind a paywall. Could you >
> full-quote it to free it?

No, sorry. It's against their terms of service:


I have already discussed at length on this very list why, in the
interest of free (both as in freedom and as in price) culture I find
wrong or at least very counterproductive to copy full online texts, so
I won't repeat it now, not in this thread at least.

Regardless of my opinion, there is no paywall there. Why do you say
so? As far as I know, there _will_ be one in 2011, but not for casual


I sure haven't paid anything to read that page (maybe I did a free
registration, I really don't remember) _and_ it is still readable, I
just checked.


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