[p2p-research] [ciresearchers] Yahoo shutting down delicious!

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 19 03:27:26 CET 2010

in the case of the delicious, the commons can be a claim, i.e. an aspect of
reality that needs expansion over other aspects

i.e. delicious creates the platform, and eventually reap profits, but the
participating individuals create the knowledge which has use value and is
'universally available'; so in this case the commons is a claim by the
community of value creators: if we are creating the value, why is it that
neither governance nor financial benefits flow to us ...

such resources have both a commodity aspect (selling attention), a
governance aspect (who controls the platform), and a knowledge commons
aspect (the community of participants creating universally available shared

to shortly answer the public/commons aspect: my feeling is that commons
really means, belongs to all, as opposed to the public, which means, belongs
to a separate entity that claims to represent all ..


On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 8:14 AM, Don Cameron <dg_cameron at bigpond.com> wrote:

> Alternatively we might also ask: At what point do we consider a successful
> commercial venture to be a common?
> Delicious! (del.icio.us) commenced life as a commercial venture and
> remains
> a commercial venture. Yes Delicious! now has several million customers
> however is it truly essential to humanity? Would the loss of Delicious!
> truly be life-changing to a majority of Yahoo customers? (Should we
> consider
> people who critically depend on such a service as being responsible in this
> age where loss of data is such an obvious threat?)
> I tend to Brian's thoughts that community infrastructure can (and
> frequently
> does) provide comparable services; perhaps not to the scale of
> commercially-backed and heavily-marketed ventures like Delicious! - however
> usually adequate to most people's needs.
> Delicious! Is a marketing exercise - Coca-Cola online - To call Delicious!
> a
> 'community common' is probably the best thing anyone could do for Yahoo
> shareholders.
> Don

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